Page 151 - Contributed Paper Session (CPS) - Volume 8
P. 151

CPS2217 Mohd Harith Faiz Md Saad
            6.  Discussion and Conclusion
                In  Malaysia,  foreign-controlled  enterprises  concentrated  mostly  in  the
            manufacturing and services sectors. Indicators such as economic value, GFCF
            and job creation showed an increasing trend for the past five years suggesting
            the growing role of foreign affiliates to Malaysia’s economy. Such information
            is crucial for stakeholders and policymakers to assess the impact of foreign
            controlled enterprises on economy and understand the direction of foreign
            trading industries. It also used to monitor the effectiveness of internal market
            and the gradual integration of economies within the context of globalisation.
            DOSM is taking initiative to enhance the Inward FATS compilation by taking
            into consideration the varying degree of capacity to measure the FATS. As a
            path forward, DOSM is upgrading Inward FATS by expanding new variables
            such as compensation of employees and output to sit the comparison with the
            rest of the world.

            1.  Department of Statistics, Malaysia, Statistics on Foreign Affiliates in
                 Malaysia 2016 (2018), Putrajaya.
            2.  Manual on Statistics of International Trade in Services 2010. United
                 Nations Publication.
            3.  Tattawasart, O. (2011). Towards FATS and Beyond: The case of Thailand.
                 Data Management Department, Bank of Thailand.
            4.  Statistics New Zealand (2014). New Zealand’s inward foreign affiliate
            5.  Essays, UK. (2013). Analysis Of Foreign Direct Investment In Malaysia
                 Economics Essay.
            6.  Kornecki, Lucyna. (2013). Performance of Inward and Outward U.S.
                 Foreign Direct Investment during Recent Financial Crises. Managerial
                 Issues in Finance and Banking: A Strategic Approach to Competitiveness.

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