Page 161 - Contributed Paper Session (CPS) - Volume 8
P. 161

CPS2225 Retno Subekti et al.
            about how and what method to ended up with posterior distribution. Idzorek
            (2) proposed a guide to involve with Black Litterman in practice.
                On  the  other  hand,  according  to  (4)  this  view  expressed  by
            investor/manager is the prior distribution, Prob (E(r)). Through Bayes rules, we
            define  Probability  density  function  (Pdf)  with  notation  Prob  in  order  to

            distinguish with P as a Pick matrix.

                                              (|())   (())
                             (()|) =
                Notice that the distribution of views return, (E(r)) is unknown, we assume
            it  is  normally  distributed.  Prob ()  represents  the  marginal  probability  of
            equilibrium  returns  and  Prob  (|())   is  conditional  probability  of
            equilibrium return given return prediction from investor.
                There is still uncertainty for this explanation, the Bayes theorm which is
            employed in the construction of Black-Litterman return is not similar with the
            discussion about Bayesian inference. The discussion about this confusion open
            the  space  to  explore  more  the  formula.  It  is  familiar  that  in  Bayesian,  we
            determine  the  likelihood,  information  sample,  and  posterior.  While  in  the
            original reference (5), the authors did not refer to likelihood but the authors
            mention about prior and posterior. Based on (4) it can be said that BLM is
            compatible  with  Bayes  rule  so  that  it  is  called  BLM  working  on  Bayesian
            environment.  In  the  discussion  of  the  view,  there  are  many  extensions  to
            formulate it before the combination process with CAPM such as in (3) which
            clarify the Black-Litterman return via regression perspective
                In this model, the future return is denoted by Q. We propose the updating
            views to renew the Q return based on data practically. Thus, BL return will
            change  depend  on  the  views  dynamically.  The  important  role  for  this
            experiment  is  determination  the  time  when  we  can  renew  the  views.  In  a
            simple  practice,  we  can  utilize  plot  of  time  series  and  interpret  from  the
            fluctuation  of  historical  data.  Even  though  we  can  determine  it  from  the
            illustration of time series data for each asset at a glance, it is better to refer
            the time series method and to ensure the minimum error to get closer with
            the actual data.

            3.  Result
                Numerical example
                In this research, we will use a portfolio of 7 top stocks from the LQ45 stock
            index in Indonesia. The LQ45 stock index consists of the 45 most traded stocks
            of the Indonesian Market main stock index JKSX. This portfolio is based on
            weekly data from February 22, 2016 to February 3, 2017. A market portfolio is
            required to calculate equilibrium return so we will use the JKSX as the market
            portfolio  in  applying  BLM.  We  will  list  the  shares  by  their  ticker  from

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