Page 173 - Contributed Paper Session (CPS) - Volume 8
P. 173
CPS2227 Jonathan Haughton
1. Beegle, Kathleen, Luc Christiaensen, Andrew Dabalen, and Isis Gaddis.
2016. Poverty in a Rising Africa. World Bank, Washington DC.
2. Bellù, Lorenzo Giovanni, and Paolo Liberati. 2005a. Equivalence Scales:
Objective Methods, FAO and UN, Rome.
3. Bellù, Lorenzo Giovanni, and Paolo Liberati. 2005a. Equivalence Scales:
Subjective Methods, FAO and UN, Rome.
4. Chandy, Laurence, Natasha Ledlie, and Veronika Penciakova. 2013. The
Final Countdown: Prospects for Ending Extreme Poverty by 2030.
Brookings Institute, Washington DC.
5. Deaton, Angus. 2016. Measuring and Understanding Behavior, Welfare,
and Poverty. American Economic Review, 106(6): 1221-1243.
6. Deaton, Angus and Salman Zaidi. 2002. Guidelines for Constructing
Consumption Aggregates for Welfare Analysis. LSMS Working Paper No.
135, World Bank, Washington DC.
7. Dollar, David, and Aart Kraay. 2001. Growth is Good for the Poor. World
Bank, Washington DC.
8. Granzow, Sandra. 2000. Our Dream : A World Free of Poverty. World
License: CC BY 3.0 IGO.
9. Kenya National Bureau of Statistics. 2007. Basic Report on Well-Being in
Kenya. Nairobi.
10. Haughton, Jonathan, and Shahidur Khandker. 2009. Handbook of
Poverty and Inequality, World Bank, Washington DC.
11. NISR (National Institute of Statistics of Rwanda), 2018. Rwanda Poverty
Profile Report 2016/2017, Kigali.
12. NISR (National Institute of Statistics of Rwanda), 2018b. Rwanda
Multidimensional Poverty Report 2016/2017, Kigali.
13. Pogge, Thomas, and Scott Wisor. 2016. Measuring Poverty: A Proposal.
14. UN: Transforming our world: the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable
Development. 2015.
15. UNICEF. 2018. Progress for Every Child in the SDG Era. New York.
16. Wang, Xiaolin, Hexia Feng, Qingjie Xia, and Sabina Alkire. 2016. On the
Relationship between Income Poverty and Multidimensional Poverty in
China. OPHI Working Paper No. 101, University of Oxford.
17. World Health Organization. 1985. Energy and Protein requirements,
WHO Technical Report Series 7, WHO, Geneva.
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