Page 248 - Contributed Paper Session (CPS) - Volume 8
P. 248
CPS2269 TEY Nai Peng et al.
Discussion and conclusion
Population affects development and is in turn affected by development.
Hence, a good knowledge in spatial distribution of the population should be
an integral component of EIA and SIA of all the mega projects (e.g. the East
Coast Rail Link). Population mobility and redistribution generally result in a
more efficient utilization of human resources by moving surplus labour from
one region to another region where there is a labour shortage. But these
processes also aggravate regional inequality. In its efforts to bring about a
more balanced regional development, the Malaysian government has
developed the five development corridors, and implemented other strategies.
However, as the population continues to gravitate towards the central region,
the effectiveness of these development corridors in population redistribution
needs to be evaluated.
While the fertility level in Malaysia has fallen below replacement level, high
fertility still persists in certain localities where family planning practice is at a
low level and unmet need for contraception is high. In these localities, family
planning efforts need to be stepped up to provide couples the necessary
information and services for them to exercise their reproductive rights, to have
the optimum number of children. The reasons for the higher mortality rate in
some groups and localities need to be examined and measures taken to
reduce the high death rate for these groups.
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