Page 94 - Contributed Paper Session (CPS) - Volume 8
P. 94

CPS2204 T. von R. et al.
                  (e.g. Beckman et al., 1987; Lawrance, 1988; Thomas and Cook, 1990; Wu and
                  Luo, 1993; St. Laurent and Cook, 1993; Shi, 1997; Poon and Poon, 1999; Zhu
                  and Lee, 2001; Zhu et al., 2007). The existing literature on influence analysis in
                  nonlinear regression is not as extensive as for linear regression. One reason
                  for this can be that there do not generally exist closed form estimators for the
                  parameters in the nonlinear regression model.
                      Detection of influential observations on the fit of the nonlinear regression
                  model is discussed by Cook and Weisberg (1982) and St. Laurent and Cook
                  (1993). Cook and Weisberg (1982) developed a nonlinear version of Cook’s
                  distance, and St. Laurent and Cook (1993) proposed an approach for assessing
                  the influence of the observations on the fitted values and on the estimate of
                  the variance in a nonlinear regression model. Detection of multiple influential
                  observations is in general a more difficult task due to masking and swamping
                  effects (Atkinson, 1985; Rousseeuw & Leory, 1987; Chatterjee & Hadi, 1988;
                  Lawrence,  1995).  Masking  occurs  when  an  observation  is  not  identified  as
                  influential unless another observation is deleted first. Swamping occurs when
                  ”good” observations  are  incorrectly  identified  as  influential  because  of  the
                  presence in data of another observation. The available approaches to dealing
                  with  the  problem  of  masking  effects  include  the  use  of  multiple  1  case
                  deletions (Chatterjee and Hadi, 1988; Hadi and Simonoff, ; Lawrance, 1995) or
                  stepwise  procedures  (Belsley  et  al.,  1980;  Bruce  and  Martin,  1989;  Shi  and
                  Huang, 2011).
                      The  aim  of  this  article  is  to  develop  influence  measures  to  assess  the
                  influence of a single observation as well as multiple influential observations on
                  the  parameter  estimates  in  nonlinear  regression  models.  The  proposed
                  measures allow to simultaneously assess the influence of several observations
                  on the parameter estimates. This type of influence will be referred to as joint
                  influence. Furthermore, it makes it possible to evaluate the influence that the
                  kth observation has on the parameter estimates after another observation, say
                  observation i, has been deleted. The type of influence that the kth observation
                  has on the parameter estimates after the deletion of the ith observation is
                  called conditional influence.

                  2.  The influence measure DIM
                      Consider the following nonlinear model with an additive error term
                                                 = (, ) +  ,                    (1)
                  where  is the -vector of responses, the known matrix  ∶   ×  comprises
                  explanatory variables,  is a q-vector of unknown parameters, the vector of
                  random errors ~( ,   ),   and   denote the -vector with all elements
                  equal to zero and the identity matrix of size , respectively. The function  is
                  assumed to be twice differentiable in , and
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