Page 109 - Contributed Paper Session (CPS) - Volume 6
P. 109

CPS1837 Qiguang Dong et al.
            from Wind Database. Table 1 shows the summary statistics of RV and LnRV.
            Table 1 shows that both RV and LnRV are significantly skewed and leptokurtic,
            and the sample autocorrelation coefficients are high and slowly decaying at
            lags 5, 10 and 20. This paper also use Rescaled Range Analysis (R/S) to test
            the long memory in both volatility series, and the Hurst values show that both
            volatility series have significant long memory features. Besides, the ADF test
            indicates that both volatility series are stationary.

                                      Table 1 Summary Statistics.

                                          RV                     LnRV
                        Mean              2.70329                0.369385
                        std_dev           4.836594               1.01278

                        Skewness          5.582336               0.605968
                        Kurtosis          39.6458                0.488312
                        series.1          56214.41               56.74069

                        ADF               -5.6116                -3.41894
                        Q5                1338.818               2280.86
                        Q10               1768.675               3990.099

                        Q20               2346.429               6734.344
                        Hurst             0.764089               0.831612
                 In  this  paper,  both  RV  and  LnRV  are  modeled  directly  in  the  ARFIMA
            model specification in which the structure of the model is optimized using the
            AIC, BIC and HIC criterions. In regard of conditional heteroscedasticity and
            non-normal  distribution,  this  paper  combined  the  ARFIMA  models  with  3
            GARCH  models  and  6  distributions  in  model  specification.  Hence,  we
            constructs and tests 36 long memory models in this paper (table 2).
                 For obtaining MCS statistics and corresponding p-values, we set the block
            length d=2 and simulation times B=10000 as the control parameters during
            the Bootstrap procedure. Following Hansen, Lunde and Nason    [11] , we set the
            confidence level α=0.1, so that the model will be eliminated if its p-values
            <0.1, otherwise it will survive the MCS procedure.
                 From table 3 we can draw the following conclusions. (1) In the first 5 loss
            functions,  models  based  on  RV  are  eliminated  completely  which  p-values
            <0.1, and only few models survived the 6th loss function. The results indicates
            that  the  logarithm-transformed  realized  volatility  are  outperformed  than
            realized volatility, which is consist with Kotkatvuori-Örnberg (2016).

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