Page 107 - Contributed Paper Session (CPS) - Volume 6
P. 107

CPS1837 Qiguang Dong et al.
            Xu,1997). Hence, both issues inherent in the high frequency observations are
            considered in this paper.
               In the specification of model structure, Barkoulas and Baum (1997) first use
            the ARFIMA model structure to forecast the Eurocurrency return series and
            show  that  the  ARFIMA  model  can  improve  of  the  forecasts.  Unlike  the
            autocorrelation process decays exponentially in the ARMA model, it decays
            hyperbolically  which  can  be  more  slowly  in  the  ARFIMA  model.  Besides,
            Andersen et al. (2008) find that the out-of-sample forecasts based on ARFIMA
            model  are  performed  better  than  other  long  memory  models,  such  as
            FIGARCH, FIEGARCH. In addition, Kanellopoulou and Panas (2008) argue that
            the ARFIMA models are strictly based on the assumptions of no conditional
            heteroscedasticity and normal distributions, otherwise the forecasts will be
            biased. However, previous literature confirms that the volatility of financial
            assets violates both assumptions. Researchers use the logarithm-transformed
            realized  variance,  namely  LnRV,  instead  of  RV  in  the  model  specification.
            Though LnRV series are more approximate normal distribution than RV series.
            Hence, this paper considered these problems during the model specification
            by  combining  GARCH  family  models  and  non-normal  distributions.  In  the
            evaluation of models predictive ability, Hansen and Lunde (2005) introduced
            Superior Predictive Ability (SPA) test based on the bootstrap method, which
            use a set of loss functions to deliver the optimal models with respect to a
            given set of loss functions. SPA test needs to set benchmark model at first,
            then the other models are compared to the benchmark model so that models
            that  produce  better  forecasts  are  preferred.  However,  the  procedure  may
            bring two problems: first, the comparing procedure may not deliver a unique
            result;  second,  sometimes  it  is  not  trivial  to  asses  which  model  clearly
            outperforms each other. For overcoming the deficiencies of SPA test, Hansen,
            Lunde and Nason (2011) further introduced a new test, the Model Confidence
            Set (MCS) test. MCS test permits to construct a set of “superior” models, and
            can directly evaluate and compare the models predictive ability in the set.

            2. Methodology
               In the specification of volatility forecasting model, Andersen et al. (2003)
            find that the variance pattern of financial asset can be described as Gaussian
            dynamic process, and the RV series shows long memory features. Based on
            this,  this  paper  chooses  the  long  term  ARFIMA  to  construct  the  empirical
                                   ∅()(1 − ) ( − ) = ()             (1)
                Where d is the degree of long memory fractional integration process with
            0<d<1. L is the lag operator. ∅() is the lag operator of AR, and θ() is the lag
            operator of MA. (1 −)  is the difference operator, which represents the long

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