Page 126 - Contributed Paper Session (CPS) - Volume 6
P. 126
CPS1847 Shariful I.
scalable, robust, and fault-tolerant and works with nearly all programming
languages. Operating System: Linux.
6 Cassandra
Originally developed by Facebook, this NoSQL database is now managed
by the Apache Foundation. It's used by many organizations with large, active
datasets, including Netflix, Twitter, Urban Airship, Constant Contact, Reddit,
Cisco and Digg. Commercial support and services are available through third-
party vendors. Operating System: OS Independent.
4.3 The Benefit Big Data Analytics
Collecting and storing big data does not create business value. Value is
created only when the data is analyzed and acted on. As the Starbucks,
Chevron, and U.S. Xpress examples show, the benefits from big data analytics
can be varied, substantial, and the basis for competitive advantage. Because
of its potential benefits, some people add a fourth V to the characteristics of
big data: high value. This value is realized, however, only when an organization
has a carefully thought out and executed big data strategy.
Access to Big Data source and forging partnerships with other public and
private organizations in order to work with big Data is becoming ever more
important to national statistical systems (NSS) for fulfilling their mission in
society. The National statistical systems (NSS) should collaborate rather than
compete with the private sector, in order to advance the potential of official
statistics. At the same time, the NSS should remain and impartial, and invest
in communicating the advantages of exploiting the wealth of available digital
data to the benefit of the people. Building public trust will be the key to
success. The objectives of the task team are to facilitate access to Big Data
sources for official statistics and facilitate forming partnerships with other
public and private organizations in order to work with Big Data. The GWG Big
Data Inventory is a catalog of Big Data projects that are relevant for official
statistics, SDG indicators and other statistics needed for decision-making on
public policies, as well as for management and monitoring of public sector
programs/projects. This inventory is a joint product of the World Bank and the
United Nations Statistics Division (UNSD) put together on behalf of the UN
Global Working Group (GWG) on Big Data for Official Statistics.
4.4 Big Data and the Data Revolution
Big Data is not a single 'thing' - it is a collection of data sources,
technologies and methodologies that have emerged from, and to, exploit the
exponential growth in data creation over the past decade. Big data is a
buzzword; used to describe a massive volume of both structured and
unstructured data that is so large it is difficult to process using traditional
database and software techniques. Data is a growing element of our lives.
More and more data is being produced and becoming known in the popular
literature as “big data”, its usage is becoming more pervasive, and its potential
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