Page 135 - Contributed Paper Session (CPS) - Volume 6
P. 135

CPS1848 J.A. Roldán-Nofuentes et al.
            is made by solving the individual tests  and applying Bonferroni’s method or
            Holm’s method to an error  .

            3.  Example
                The results obtained were applied to the study by Matovu et al (2010) on
            the diagnosis of Human African trypanosomiasis (HAT) in Uganda. HAT, also
            known  as  sleeping  sickness,  is  a  parasitic  disease  caused  by  protozoa
            belonging to the genus Trypanosoma, and it is transmitted to human beings
            by  a  bite  from  the  tsetse  fly  (genus  Glossina)  infected  by  other  people or
            animals that host human pathogenic parasites. In some rural areas of Africa,
            the  disease  prevalence  may  reach  50%  in  periods  of  epidemics,  and  is  a
            significant cause of death. Matovu et al (2010) applied two diagnostic tests to
            a sample of 75 cases and another sample of 65 controls. For a prevalence value
            equal  to  10%,  the  estimations  of  the  PVs  are  PPV  0.540 ,  PPV  0.858 ,
             NPV   0.978  and  NPV  0.982, and the estimated variance and covariance
                 1                 2
            matrix of the estimators of the PVs is
                                    0.01158 0.00562 0.00015 0.00005
                                    0.00562 0.01456 0.00006 0.00006 
                               ˆ  ˆ ω        0.00015 0.00006 0.00003 0.00001  
                                                                    
                                    0.00005 0.00006 0.00001 0.00002 
            The value of the test statistic for the test
               H 0   : PPV   1  PPV 2   and  NPV   1  NPV 2   vs   :at least one equality is not true,
            is  Q  6.954  P value   0.031   and  therefore  null  hypothesis  of  the  global
            test is rejected. Solving the individual hypothesis tests it is found that the value
            of  the  test  statistic  for  the  H 0  : PPV   PPV 2   is  equal  to  2.606
             two sided p-value 0.009 , and that the value of the test statistic for the test
             H 0  : NPV   NPV  is  equal  to  0.886  two sided p-value 0.375 .  Applying
            Bonferroni’s  (Holm’s)  method  the  equality  hypothesis  of  the  negative
            predictive values is not rejected and the equality hypothesis of the two positive
            predictive values is rejected. The positive predictive value of the NASBA-OC
            test is significantly greater than that of the PCR-OC test (95% CI: 0.079 to

            This  research  was  supported  by  the  Spanish  Ministry  of  Economy,  Grant
            Number MTM2016-76938-P.

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