Page 161 - Contributed Paper Session (CPS) - Volume 6
P. 161

CPS1858 Wei Gang et al.
                    such  as  intelligent  manufacturing,  e-commerce  platform,  Internet
                    finance, and online retail. Based on the above concepts, we define the
                    statistical  standards  for  digital  economy,  mainly  involving  11
                    departments, 32 categories, and 188 subcategories.
                 (II) Characteristics of digital economy
                 Metcalfe's  Law,  Moore's  Law  and  Davidow's  Law  are  the  three
            internationally  recognized  laws  on  digital  economy,  and  are  constantly
            improving.  Under  this  premise,  the  following  five  basic  understandings  or
            characteristics can be refined: the construction of information infrastructure
            such as the Internet is a necessary support for digital economy development;
            convenience  and  publicity  are  important  characteristics  of  the  rapid
            development of digital economy; inclusiveness is the fundamental attribute of
            digital economy development; accelerating industrial integration is the path
            of digital economy development; promoting the construction of a modern
            economic system is one of the purposes of digital economy development.

            2.  Methodology
                 At present, National Bureau of Statistics has not yet clarified the statistical
            standards of digital economy, nor has it established the statistical reporting
            system for digital economy. All municipal statistical departments are in the
            stage  of  exploring  and  discussing.  In  order  to  reflect  the  digital  economy
            development  in  Qingdao,  we  tried  to  establish  the  digital  economic  index
            system and conducted trial evaluation.
                 (I)  Construction and data source of the evaluation index system for digital
                   economy development
                   According to the development characteristics of digital economy, we
                 select  the  following  digital  economy  evaluation  indexes  by  combining
                 with  the  characteristics  and  rules  of  Qingdao's  digital  economy
                 1.  Digital  infrastructure:  fixed  Internet  penetration,  mobile  Internet
                    penetration, number of mobile phone base stations, number of 4G
                    base  stations,  MAN  outlet  bandwidth,  average  speed  of  fixed
                    broadband ports, and optical cable length per square kilometer.
                 2.  Digital  industrialization:  the  proportion  of  new  generation
                    information  technology  to  industrial  output;  the  proportion  of
                    information  transmission,  software  and  information  technology
                    service industry to GDP; internal expenses in R&D expenditures for
                    computers,  communications  and  other  electronic  equipment
                    manufacturing industries, and software business income.
                 3.  Industrial  digitalization:  the  index  for  the  integration  and
                    development of industrialization and informatization, the growth rate
                    of transaction volume via  e-commerce platform, the proportion of

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