Page 162 - Contributed Paper Session (CPS) - Volume 6
P. 162

CPS1858 Wei Gang et al.
                          online retail sales to the total retail sales of social consumer goods,
                          the number of smart phones, and Internet finance (the proportion of
                          added value in the finance industry to GDP).
                      4.  Digital government affairs: the number of government websites, the
                          online  handling  rate  of  administrative  licensing,  and  the  online
                          handling rate of public services.
                      5.  Digital livelihood: digital medical care (person-times of appointments
                          for treatment), total number of social insurance cards, and coverage
                          of digital campus construction.
                      (II)  Evaluation method and weight determination of the digital economy
                           evaluation index system
                           In  this  paper,  the  comprehensive  index  method  is  adopted  for
                      evaluation.  Since  the  selected  digital  economic  indexes  have  different
                      contributions  to  the  overall  goal,  the  weight  of  each  individual  index
                      needs to be determined before evaluation. The weight is a quantitative
                      value determined by the degree of influence of each evaluation index
                      therein  on  the  evaluation  system.  Since  the  influences  of  evaluation
                      indexes on the overall goal of digital economy development vary, it is very
                      important  to  determine  the  weight  scientifically  and  reasonably.  At
                      present,  there  are  many  ways  to  determine  the  weight,  which  can  be
                      roughly divided into two categories: subjective assignment method and
                      objective assignment method.
                           In  this  paper,  the  entropy  method  in  the  objective  assignment
                      method is adopted to determine the weight. The entropy method is to
                      determine the index weight based on the amount of information provided
                      by  the  observed  value  of  each  index.  It  is  generally  believed  that  the
                      entropy method can profoundly reflect the utility value of the entropy
                      value of index information, and the index weight given thereby has high

                  3.  Result
                      This paper adopts empirical analysis and comparative analysis of relevant
                  cities to find out the rules and shortcomings of digital economy development
                  in Qingdao.
                      (I) Empirical analysis
                      We analyzed the measured data of Qingdao from 2013 to 2017:
                      1.  Weight  analysis  of  indexes.  Among  primary  indexes,  the  digital
                          infrastructure  had  a  maximum  weight  of  0.3027,  which  had  the
                          greatest  impact  on  digital  economy,  followed  by  industrial
                          digitalization, digital industrialization, digital government affairs and
                          digital  livelihood  in  sequence.  Among  secondary  indexes,  index
                          weights  such  as  the  growth  rate  of  transaction  volume  via  e-

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