Page 163 - Contributed Paper Session (CPS) - Volume 6
P. 163

CPS1858 Wei Gang et al.
                    commerce platform, the proportion of online retail sales to the total
                    retail  sales  of  social  consumer  goods,  the  number  of  government
                    websites  and  mobile  Internet  penetration  were  relatively  great,
                    playing a decisive role in the development of digital economy.
                 2.  Analysis  of  the  overall  score.  On  the  whole,  the  overall  digital
                    economy  development  in  Qingdao  from  2013  to  2017  showed  an
                    accelerating trend. The score of 0.2696 in 2017 reached the highest
                    level in the five years; the lowest score of 0.1472 in 2013 was only
                    about half of that in 2017. From the perspective of key fields, all the
                    five major fields showed positive growth, and the growth rates were
                    accelerating.  "Digital  industrialization"  witnessed  the  highest
                    development  rate,  doubling  in  five  years,  while  "industrial
                    digitalization"  had  the  lowest  development  rate,  with  only  50%
                    growth. "Digital infrastructure" accounted for the largest proportion,
                    up to 30.8% of the digital economy in 2017, while "digital livelihood"
                    accounted  for  the  smallest  proportion,  only  12.6%  of  the  digital
                    economy  in  2017.  "Digital  infrastructure"  made  the  greatest
                    contribution,  up  to  35.5%  of  contribution  rate  in  2017,  while
                    "industrial digitalization" made the smallest contribution, only 4.0% of
                    contribution rate in 2017.
                 (II) Comparison among cities
                 This paper compares the relevant indexes of some cities in China. Since
            we can't get all the data of other cities, we only make a comparative analysis
            of software business income with scientific and technological innovation.
                 1. Income of software business
                 As a typical industry of digital industrialization, the software industry is of
            great significance to reflect the development of digital economy. In terms of
            the number of enterprises, there were 1,640 software companies in Qingdao
            in 2017, ranking third in the sub-provincial cities, which was 862 and 96 lower
            than Wuhan (2,502) and Jinan (1,736) respectively. From the perspective of
            software business income, the total volume in Qingdao was RMB180.21 billion,
            ranking the seventh. But it had a large gap to other cities, only accounting for
            35% of Shenzhen, 51% of Nanjing, 55% of Hangzhou, and was RMB1.78 billion
            lower than the average level of sub-provincial cities. In short, the number of
            software enterprises in Qingdao is large, but the average income is low, and
            the  growth  rate  of  business  income  continues  to  decline.  The  overall
            development lags behind such cities as Shenzhen and Hangzhou, and shows
            a certain gap to Nanjing and Chengdu.
                 2. Scientific and technological innovation
                 Original innovation is one of the key factors to develop digital economy.
            Compared  with  municipalities  such  as  Beijing,  Shanghai,  Guangzhou,
            Shenzhen  and  Hangzhou,  Qingdao  still  has  a  big  gap  in  scientific  and

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