Page 173 - Contributed Paper Session (CPS) - Volume 6
P. 173

CPS1866 Milica Maricic et al.
            weights (e.g. Genuine Savings from 8.33% to 2.2%). Importantly, the approach
            suggested  to  exclude  two  indicators:  Renewable  Water  Resources  and
            Employment. The provided results show that the framework of the SSI can be
            simplified. The exclusion of these two indicators can be interpreted two-ways.
            First, that the remaining indicators completely cover the information provided
            by the two which are therefore redundant, and second, that the two indicators
            decrease the stability of the SSI.
                The exclusion of the two indicators is a notable result, as the algorithm
            could have excluded all three indicators whose lower bound was 0. Namely,
            Public Debt was given the weight 2.2% when it could have been given weight
            0. The stability of the SSI is also improved. If the official weighting scheme is
            used the sum of standard deviations of relative contributions is 0.34210233
            while when the optimized weighting scheme is used it is 0.259332032.
              Table 2: Effective weights of the indicators of SSI, min and max bootstrap CIDI weights, and
                           the optimal weight suggested by the eSS-CIDI approach
                     Indicator                     w           w            w
                                      weight        mini        maxi          i
                   Sufficient Food    3.70%        4.8%        6.0%        6.0%
                  Sufficient to Drink   3.70%      5.7%        6.7%        6.7%
                   Safe Sanitation    3.70%        5.9%        6.9%        5.9%
                     Education        3.70%        6.5%        7.5%        7.5%
                    Healthy Life      3.70%        6.7%        7.7%        7.7%
                   Gender Equality    3.70%        4.4%        6.6%        6.6%
                 Income Distribution   3.70%       2.1%        4.6%        2.1%
                 Population Growth    3.70%        4.3%        6.1%        4.3%
                  Good Governance     3.70%        7.1%        8.2%        8.2%
                    Biodiversity      5.56%        2.2%        4.3%        2.2%
                  Renewable Water     5.56%        0.0%        2.3%        0.0%
                    Consumption       5.56%        4.3%        6.3%        6.3%
                     Energy Use       4.17%        4.0%        6.2%        6.2%
                   Energy Savings     4.17%        2.3%        4.9%        2.3%
                  Greenhouse Gases    4.17%        3.3%        5.7%        5.7%
                  Renewable Energy    4.17%        2.1%        5.5%        3.7%
                  Organic Farming     8.33%        5.2%        7.0%        5.2%
                  Genuine Savings     8.33%        2.2%        4.2%        2.2%
                       GDP            5.56%        7.0%        7.9%        7.0%
                    Employment        5.56%        0.0%        1.6%        0.0%
                    Public Debt       5.56%        0.0%        4.0%        4.0%

            5.  Discussion and Conclusion
                The  issue  of  dimension  reduction  has  been  attracting  the  attention  of
            researchers of different expertise. In the field of composite indicators, it is an

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