Page 174 - Contributed Paper Session (CPS) - Volume 6
P. 174

CPS1866 Milica Maricic et al.
                  important step in the validation or scrutinization of the final metric. Dimension
                  reduction has several benefits. First, policymakers and composite index users
                  will be given a less complex theoretical framework. Second, the index creators
                  might  speed  up  the  data  collection  process  as  less  data  is  needed  to  be
                  acquired.  Finally,  a  complex  structure  does  not  guarantee  that  the  final
                  composite index will effectively measure the desired phenomenon. In some
                  cases, adding indicators decreases the quality of the metric (Van der Maaten
                  et al., 2009).
                      Herein  we  proposed  the  application  on  the  novel  hybrid  weighting
                  approach, the eSS-CIDI, to devise a novel weighting scheme and to reduce the
                  number  of  indicators  within  a  composite  indicator.  As  a  case  study,  we
                  scrutinized  the  acknowledged  Sustainable  Society  Index  (SSI).  The  results
                  indicated  that  two  indicators  can  be  excluded  from  the  SSI  framework  to
                  simplify its structure and to improve the stability of the composite indicator.
                  The results also show that the eSS-CIDI can be successfully used in the process
                  of dimension reduction. The future directions of the study could be two-fold.
                  One direction could be the modification of the eSS-CIDI algorithm (different
                  approach  to  choosing  subsample  size,  number  of  resamples,  or  weight
                  bounds). The other direction could be towards the inclusion of expert opinion
                  in defining final weight bounds.
                      We hope that the presented approach and the obtained results can be a
                  foundation  for  further  research  on  dimension  reduction  procedures  and
                  composite indicators.

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