Page 168 - Contributed Paper Session (CPS) - Volume 6
P. 168

CPS1866 Milica Maricic et al.
                  decide  on  the  indicators  which  will  be  used  in  the  composite  indicator
                  framework. One study direction which has been recently developing is the
                  dimension  reduction  analysis  of  composite  indicators  (Marozzi,  2009).  The
                  goal of such analysis is to exclude indicators used to rank entities and thus
                  simplify  the  composite  indicator  framework.  This  study  aims  to  propose  a
                  novel hybrid multivariate statistical approach for dimension reduction which
                  also improves the stability of the metric.
                      We begin the study with a short literature review on dimension reduction
                  techniques which have been used in the field of composite indicators. The
                  Section 3 sees the presentation of the methodologies. We first present in brief
                  the  methodological  framework  of  the  Sustainable  Society  Index  (SSI),  the
                  composite index which was here used as a case study. Next, we introduce the
                  basics of the enhanced Scatter Search – Composite I-Distance Indicator (eSS-
                  CIDI) approach which we used to reduce the dimensionality of the SSI. The
                  obtained results are provided in Section 4, while the concluding remarks are
                  given in the final chapter.

                  2.  Dimension reduction
                      The issue of dimension reduction is a topic of high interest for researchers,
                  but also for policy makers. So far different approaches have been suggested.
                  Namely, Fodor (2002) in his detailed literature review on dimension reduction
                  listed  Principal  Component  Analysis  (PCA),  Factor  Analysis  (FA),  Projection
                  pursuit  (PP),  Independent  component  analysis  (ICA),  Non-linear  principal
                  component analysis, Random projections and other non-linear methods and
                  extensions as major dimension reduction techniques. Herein, we will place our
                  attention on the methods which have been used in the field of composite
                      One of the most common dimension reduction techiniques is the Principal
                  component analysis (PCA) which was initialy proposed by Carl Pearson. The
                  idea behind the PCA is to find a linear combination of variables which accounts
                  for as much variation in the original variables as possible (Tabachnick & Fidell,
                  2013). The benefits of this analysis have been acknowledged by composite
                  indicator  creators.  Namely,  the  OECD  Handbook  on  creating  composite
                  indicators  suggests  to  perfrom  PCA  to  define  the  dimensionality  of  the
                  composite indicator and to define weights (Nardo et al., 2005). Just one of the
                  examples of researches in the field of composite indicators which employ the
                  PCA are Kotzee & Reyer (2016).
                      In  his  research  Marozzi  (2009)  proposed  a  four-step  algorithm  for
                  dimension reduction based on the Spearman correlation coefficient. The first
                  step is to create the composite indicator using all indicators and obtain the
                  rank  R . In the following step h indicators are excluded where h 1,2,...,k ,

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