Page 179 - Contributed Paper Session (CPS) - Volume 6
P. 179

CPS1867 Winita S. et al.
                     ( )
            where  = ()(), and  is the noise. In this case, we consider that () is
            the  polynomial  function  and  ()  is  the  sinusoid  function  where
                                                                .  Notation    =    −  1
            and  presents the total number of trend and harmonic components and the
            order of the polynomial function, respectively. When the series shows a trend
            pattern then the function () = 1. The parameters of polynomial function can
            be estimated by ordinary least square (OLS) method while the parameters of
            sinusoid function can be estimated by iterative OLS method as in Sulandari,
            Subanar, Suhartono, & Utami (2018). When () and () are present at the
            same time then the sinusoid will show a time-varying amplitude.
            Step 3: defining the hybrid SSA-NN model
                 We need to determine the irregular component {,  = 1, 2, … , } by
            subtracting  the  original  series  with  the  forecast  values  obtained  from
            deterministic function, that is

            where      is the predicted value for the ith component at time t. The irregular
            series  is then approximated by NN model with  inputs, i.e. (−1, −2, … ,
            −), ℎ hidden nodes and one output. Several number of inputs ()
            and  the  number  of  hidden  nodes  (ℎ)  are  combined  and  the  best
            approximation is the NN  that yields the smallest  RMSE. We use a  tangent
            sigmoid function for all the hidden nodes and purelin for the output node as
            the activation function. Here, the network is trained by Levenberg-Marquardt
            training  algorithm.  References  related  to  the  study  of  NN  for  time  series
            forecasting can be found in Adhikari & Agrawal (2012), Saini & Soni (2002),
            Zhang, Patuwo, & Hu (1998), and Zhang, Patuwo, & Hu, (2001).

            3.  Result
                A well-known monthly accidental death in USA displayed in Figure 1 is
            used to illustrate the application of the hybrid SSA-NN method. In this study
            we evaluate the performance of the hybrid SSA-NN by comparing the results
            with  those  discussed  in the  previous  literature. Brockwell  and Davis  (2000)
            have discussed the implementation of SARIMA model, ARAR model, and Holt-
            Winter algorithm to the death series. The same series were also discussed in
            Hassani  (2007)  to  show  the  capability  of  SSA  in  extracting  the  series  into
            several components and forecasting. As in the previous literature, we use the
            first seventy two observations (January 1973 to December 1978) as the training
            data set and the last six observations (January 1979 to June 1979) as the testing
            data. The calculations and the figures in this works are obtained by Matlab

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