Page 180 - Contributed Paper Session (CPS) - Volume 6
P. 180

CPS1867 Winita S. et al.

                         Figure 1: The monthly accidental deaths in USA for January 1973 – June 1979

                      The first step is decomposing the series into several components. As in
                  Hassani (2007), the window length L is set to be 24, proportional to the period
                  of the series.  Based on the w-correlation matrix shown in Figure 2, we separate
                  the series into four components: a trend, two harmonics, and a noise. Trend is
                  reconstructed from the first eigentriple while the first harmonics is obtained
                  by grouping the second and the third eigentriple and the second harmonic is
                  reconstructed from the fourth and fifth eigentripe. The rest is the noise.

                   Figure 2: The w-correlations matrix for the accidental death series with L = 24 (left) and the
                                                components (right)
                      The second step is modelling each component trend and harmonics by
                  using function of time. In this case we find that quadratic function is the best
                  one for approximating the trend series. The function is

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