Page 183 - Contributed Paper Session (CPS) - Volume 6
P. 183

CPS1867 Winita S. et al.
            we  get  more  flexible  model  since  the  functions  can  be  adjusted  to  the
            behaviour of the series.
               In the next step, we apply NN to model the irregular component. NN is a
            powerful method in handling the nonlinearity and uncertainty found in the
            series. We observe several nodes in the hidden layer varying from 1 to 10, and
            combine with a number of inputs that proportional to the period.  NN with
            the smallest RMSE and random residuals will be the chosen one.
               Furthermore, results show that the hybrid SSA-NN(6-8-1) yields the best
            performance in comparison with other methods in the mentioned literature.
            Its MAE and MAPE are even smaller than those obtained by the hybrid method
            based  on  local  linear  neuro-fuzzy  model  and  optimized  singular  spectrum
            analysis,  named  OSSA-LLNF  (see  Abdollahzade,  Miranian,  Hassani,  &
            Iranmanesh, 2015). The methodology discussed in this paper can be applied
            in other cases.

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