Page 181 - Contributed Paper Session (CPS) - Volume 6
P. 181

CPS1867 Winita S. et al.
            where       is the forecast value at time  for the first component. The second
            and the third component can be approximated by oscillatory function with
            time-varying  amplitude.  The  best  function  for  the  second  component  is
            quadratic amplitude modulated sinusoid function and can be represented as

            where       is the forecast value at time  for the second component. The third
            component tend to have linear amplitude so that the best function for the
            series is linear amplitude modulated sinusoid function that can be written as

            where       is the forecast value at time  for the third component. At last, the
            deterministic function for the accidental death series can be obtained from
            those three functions and can be written as

                 In the third step, we can define the irregular component () by subtracting
            the original series with the forecast value for the deterministic component, that
                 The irregular series is then approximated by NN method. NN method is
            considered to handle the uncertainty and the nonlinearity in the data. In this
            work we have trained the network by combination of a certain input nodes
            and a number of nodes in hidden layer vary from 1 to 10. We choose six and
            twelve nodes for the input corresponding to the period 12 and 6. For this
            case,  network  with  six  input  nodes  and  eight  nodes  in  the  hidden  layer,
            denoted by NN(6-8-1), produces the smallest root mean square error (RMSE)
            among the networks whose residuals are random.
                 In  order  to  evaluate  the  performance  of  the  models,  we  use  four
            measures. The four measures are RMSE, mean absolute error (MAE), mean
            absolute  performance  error  (MAPE),  and  mean  realative  absolute  error
            (MRAE). Comparison results for the forecasting accuracy for period January
            1979 to June 1979 with those results presented in (Brockwell & Davis, 2002)
            and (Hassani, 2007) are resumed in Table 1 and Figure 3.

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