Page 243 - Contributed Paper Session (CPS) - Volume 6
P. 243

CPS1908 Klára A. T. et al.
                from personal income tax returns and corporation tax returns.  The lines
                under the heading ‘extrapolation and models’ encompass all estimations,
                which based on computations or fixed percentage of survey information
                or  administrative  records.  In  Hungary  for  example  the  data  of  special
                purpose  entities  (SPE)  is  included  in  this  item.  The  labour  input  of
                extrapolation  and  models  should  be  validated  by  the  basis  of  national
                accounts’ figures, and should be re-estimated, if necessary.
                    Table 1.: Possible approaches to deduce employment in domestic concept
            Process table approach                    Compilation from national concept
                Surveys & Censuses
                                                        Labour      Force      Survey
                Administrative Records                  (employment     in    national
                Combined Data                           concept)
                            Commodity  Flow

                            Consumption   of
                            fixed     capital        Employed      Self-employed
                            Inventory  Method
                            Dwellings      -
                            Services  Indirectly
                            Measured (FISIM)         Residents   working   outside   the
                            Other                    economic territory (-)
                            extrapolations and
                Data validation                      Non  residents  working  inside  the

                            Allocation of FISIM       economic territory (+)
                            Other conceptual
                            Producer  should         Non residents  employed  at Hungarian
                            have   registered        embassies (+)
                            producer) N1

                            Illegal   producer
                            N2                       Employed persons above the age of 74
                            Producer     not         (+)
                            obliged to register

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