Page 247 - Contributed Paper Session (CPS) - Volume 6
P. 247

CPS1908 Klára A. T. et al.
            persons in the average of years 2014-2016. Comparing this data to the result
            derived by process table approach of the employment is shown in Figure 1
               Figure 1: The employment data in domestic concept according to PT approach,
                                average of 2014-2016(thousand persons)

               The  number  of  employees  –  including  the  institutional  labour  statistics
            (employment of enterprises with more than five employees), the employment
            of small enterprises with less than five employees from combined data source ,
            and  the  number  of  employment  in  household  sector  (employees  of  sole
            proprietors) from personal income tax returns – have 81% of total employment
            in domestic concept.
               The number of self-employed persons, derived from information available
            in  personal  income  tax returns  and  business  register  of  Hungarian  Central
            Statistical Office, gives 10% of total employment. As a  result, 91% of total
            employment in domestic concept is covered by surveys and census as well as
            administrative records and combined data source.
               The rest part of total employment according to  process table approach
            comes  from  ‘extrapolation  and  models’,  ‘data  validation’  i.e.  mostly  non-
            observed employment as well as the ‘balancing’ item. These items provide 9%
            of the total employment.

            4. Discussion and Conclusion
               The paper argues that the process table concept of national accounts data
            compilation  is  a  suitable  tool  to  analyse  employment  data.  Employment
            derived  from  national  concept  should  be  compared  with  the  detailed
            employment data compiled in process table in order to explain differences,
            and cross validated national accounts data from gross value added, income
            generation and employment point of view.
               The first results of our analysis show that 9% of the total employment data
            should be divided into ‘extrapolation and models’, ‘exhaustiveness adjustment

            2  Combined data source is a harmonised and consistent database which includes statistical
            surveys data supplemented with corporate tax returns data at individual (enterprise) level.
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