Page 245 - Contributed Paper Session (CPS) - Volume 6
P. 245

CPS1908 Klára A. T. et al.
          -   N3 category covers both agricultural own account production and costs of
              own account construction.
          -   N4 includes legal persons included in Register but not included in statistics.
          -   N5 covers agricultural production of small enterprises and sole proprietors
              included in register but not in statistics.

          -   Economic  performance  due  to  deliberate  misreporting  and  VAT  fraud
              without complicity belongs to N6 category.
          -   Sole proprietors not subject to VAT but submit Tax return, wages and salaries
              in kind, gratuity, tips and reimbursed costs included in N7 category.
               The  estimations  for  these  items  should  be  harmonized  by  the  three
            mentioned  approaches:  production,  income  generation  and  employment
               The  balancing  item  in  National  Accounts  process  table  reconciles  the
            production, the expenditure and the income generation sides, while in the
            employment  PT  it  reconciles  the  two  approaches  of  compilation  of
            employment in domestic concept: the PT approach and that derived from the
            national concept as Table 1. shows.
               We  have  examined  each  exhaustiveness  adjustment  category  whether
            covering additional nonobserved employment or not. It is illustrated in Table
               The investigation of these non-observed economic categories should be
            based  on  different  data  sources  and  from  different  concepts  in  order  to
            facilitate the cross validation. For example, the N6 category of exhaustiveness
            adjustment from production side can be based on tax audit data, or theoretical
            VAT estimation (Eurostat (2005a)), while the N6 labour input should based on
            labour inspection data.
                 Table 2.: Possible non-observed employment by Exhaustiveness categories
                                                    Improvement   Kind   of   activities,
                                     Type of data   required in    which  may  not  result
               Exhaustiveness         source for    estimation    additional
               adjustment category
                                      estimation    method        nonobserved
                   Producer  should  be
                   registered                                     Private accommodation
               N1                    Surveys        yes
                   (underground                                   of households
               N2   Illegal producer    data        no

                   Producer not obliged  Surveys,
               N3   to be registered    administrative   yes
                   Registered   legal  Surveys,
               N4   person  not  included  administrative   no
                   in statistics     data

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