Page 240 - Contributed Paper Session (CPS) - Volume 6
P. 240

CPS1908 Klára A. T. et al.

                                     Employment of domestic concept in the
                                           framework of process table

                                         Klára Anwar , Ildikó Ritzlné Kazimir
                        National Accounts Department, Hungarian Central Statistical Office, Budapest, Hungary

                      The  European  Commission  emphasised  that  labour  input  (Commission
                      Decision, 94/168) could be one of the useful mechanism for assessing the
                      exhaustiveness of gross domestic product (GDP) estimates. (OECD (2002))
                      From that time employment estimation in domestic concept (i.e. in line
                      with the National Accounts) was developed in Hungary. The purpose of
                      the development is to ensure the harmonization of production account
                      and employment data. In this study we develop the methodology of non-
                      observed  employment  estimation  by  categories  of  non-observed
                      economy (NOE), prepared by Eurostat, (Eurostat (2005a)) and prepare the
                      process  table  (PT)  for  the  employment  in  domestic  concept.  This  new
                      approach, includes – similarly to the production of gross value added –
                      data in institutional sector, Statistical Classification of Economic Activities
                      in  the  European  Community  (NACE)  and  process  table  categories
                      breakdown.  Therefore  it  will  provide  a  complete  picture  of  the
                      employment  structure  of  the  Hungarian  economy.  Furthermore  it  can
                      facilitate the validation of gross value added from production side, and it
                      allows detailed analysis.

                      Non-observed economy; National Accounts; employment method

                      1. Introduction
                         The non-observed economy in Hungary spread considerably after the
                      regime  change,  at  the  beginning  of  nineties.  The  transformation  from
                      socialism  to  market  economy  caused  uncertain  legal,  institutional  and
                      economic environment, therefore the tax fraud and the illegal activities
                      became more and more significant in the economic performance. The ratio
                      of the non-observed activities reached 30% of GDP in 1992. (Árvay &Vértes
                      (1994))  After  the  transformation  period,  the  ratio  of  non-observed
                      economy  had  decreased,  and  its  share  became 14.9%  of  GDP  in  2005.
                      (Murai &Ritzlné (2011)) However Medina and Schneider estimated 22.5%
                      share of shadow economy from Hungarian GDP for the year 2005. (Medina
                      &Schneider (2017))

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