Page 339 - Contributed Paper Session (CPS) - Volume 6
P. 339

CPS1950 Paolo G. et al.
            where  is a tuning parameter taking values in the interval [0, 1]. It can be
            shown that (5) can be rewritten as
                  fFRFKM = || X[AA + (1) (IAA)]  UFA || .                     (6)
            Therefore, the FRFKM model can be formulated as
                  X[AA + (1) (IAA)] = UFA + E.                                 (7)
            The FRFKM procedure contains several clustering methods as special case. In
            fact, if U is a membership matrix, the FKM is obtained when  = 1, whilst
            FRFKM reduces to RKM when  = 0. Furthermore, if Q = J, A = IJ and thus (7)
            is simplified as
                  X= UF + E,                                                         (8)
            which resembles the well-known Fuzzy K-Means algorithm (Bezdek, 1981) in
            case U is a fuzzy membership degree matrix (i.e., U  0I × K, and  U1K = 1I).
            Thus, the optimal parameter matrices U, F and A are found by minimizing (6)
            subject to the following constraints:
                  U  0I × K,                                                        (9)
                  U1K = 1I,                                                        (10)
                  AA = IQ,                                                        (11)
            where 0I × K is the matrix of zeroes of order (I × K), 1K and 1I are the vectors of
            ones  of  lengths  K  and  I,  respectively.  The  minimization  of  (6)  under  the
            constraints in (9)-(11) can be done by an ALS algorithm. As for FKM and RKM,
            the  FRFKM  solution  is  not  unique  due  to  rotational  indeterminacy  for  the
            weights and the centroids and cluster label switching. This can be used to
            simplify the interpretation of the components by means of, e.g., the varimax
            procedure  (Kaiser,  1958).  Moreover,  the  fuzzy  nature  of  U  leads  to  an
            additional source of indeterminacy. In order to fix it and to further improve
            the interpretability of the solution, additional constraints on the centroids may
            be  used  following  Suleman  (2015).  This  is  motivated  by  the  fact  that  the
            optimal centroid matrix  F can  be determined by regression. This does not
            guarantee that the estimated centroids have a reasonable meaning. For this
            purpose, we can constrain the centroids to be convex combinations of the
            observation  units  according  to  the  so-called  archetypal  analysis  (see,  for
            instance,  Cutler  &  Breiman,  1994;  Epifanio  et  al.,  2018).  In  detail,  Suleman
            (2015) proposes to estimate the centroids by means of a particular archetypal
            analysis where the weights of the convex combinations are equal to the fuzzy
            membership  degrees.  In  the  current  framework,  it  may  be  convenient  to
            estimate the centroids in a similar way by considering a weighted mean of the
            observation units projected on the subspace spanned by the columns of A.
            2.4.1. Choice of Q, K and :
                The selection of the number of components Q, the number of clusters K
            and  the  weighting  parameter    can  be  done  subjectively  or  according  to
            model selection heuristics by using different triplets of values for Q, K and .
            Note that the selection of  can be done by considering a subset of values in

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