Page 340 - Contributed Paper Session (CPS) - Volume 6
P. 340

CPS1950 Paolo G. et al.
                  the interval [0, 1], e.g., {0, 0.05, …, 0.95, 1}. The optimal triplet can then be
                  determined by means of, for instance, the Calinski Harabasz index (Caliński, &
                  Harabasz, 1974) or the Silhouette one (Kaufman and Rousseeuw, 1990), widely
                  used in the standard (non-fuzzy) clustering framework. Other indexes for fuzzy
                  clustering, such as the Fuzzy Silhouette index (Campello & Hruschka, 2006) or
                  the Xie & Beni one (Xie & Beni, 1991), can also be adopted. An alternative
                  strategy can be based on cross-validation techniques.

                  3.  Result
                      We analyzed the NBA data (Ferraro et al., 2018) referring to I = 30 NBA
                  teams on which J = 11 statistics (see Table 1) for the regular season 2017/18
                  were collected. The data also contained two additional variables concerning
                  the conference (Western or Eastern) and the playoff appearance (Yes or No).
                      By means of FRFKM we aimed at studying whether a partition of the NBA
                  teams can be discovered and whether the team statistics can be summarized
                  through a limited number of components. The data were standardized before
                  running FRFKM. We decided to vary K and Q in the set {2, 3, 4, 5} and  in the
                  set reported in Section 2.4.1.
                                               Table 1. Variables
                             Acronym                           Statistic
                               FGP                       field goal percentage
                               3PP                   3-point field goals percentage
                               FTP                       free throw percentage
                               OREB                       offensive rebounds
                               DREB                       defensive rebounds
                               AST                              assists
                               TOV                             turnovers
                               STL                              steals
                               BLK                              blocks
                               BLKA                    blocked field goal attempts
                               PTS                              points
                      The optimal values of K, Q and  were found by maximizing the Fuzzy
                  Silhouette index. The maximum value (equal to 0.82) was registered when K =
                  2, Q = 2 and  = 0.95, hence, the FRFKM solution was mainly based on the
                  FKM  one.  The  obtained  components  were  simplified  by  exploiting  the
                  rotational freedom of FRFKM. Varimax-rotated component weights reported
                  in Table 2 were found.
                  Table 2. Component weights (weights higher than 0.30 in absolute value are in bold)
                           Variable              Component 1              Component 2
                             FGP                     0.01                     0.86
                             3PP                     0.33                     0.04
                             FTP                     0.21                     0.18
                            OREB                     -0.18                    -0.01

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