Page 343 - Contributed Paper Session (CPS) - Volume 6
P. 343

CPS1958 Zaid AlQadhi et al.

                         Smart meters data as a source of household and
                           farms statistics a case study from the United
                                           Arab Emirates
                    Zaid AlQadhi, Marwa F. Elkabbany, Hessa Al Shehhi, Noora Ali
                      Federal Competitiveness and Statistics Authority, United Arab Emirates

            Adoption of electricity and water meters data has proven to be an efficient
            source of household information and land-use distribution. In 2013, Federal
            Competitiveness  and  Statistics  Authority  (FCSA)  completed  a  project  that
            aimed  to  define,  validate  and  acknowledge  the  methodology  of  utilizing
            meter-driven  data  in  identifying  household  locations  and  densities.  Such
            digital  data  adoption  methods  will  minimize  field  survey  and  thus  save
            governments’ resource and save a lot of time. This paper represents a smart
            approach to extract farm and residential units’ statistics through deriving data
            from  active  utility  meters.  The  identification  and  classification  of  active
            residential/farm  water  and  electricity  meters  was  harnessed  to  detect  the
            presence  of  a  residential/farm  unit.  The  number  of  meters  was  then
            aggregated at a district and sub-district levels to extract the count of families
            and farms within the geographical area and deduce family and farm density
            per square kilometre. This approach was used for 2013 and 2017 datasets to
            present the growth happening after 4 years.

            Government information sharing; digital enumeration; smart digital census;
            meters derived statistics; household statistics;

            1.  Introduction
                FCSA  continuously  works  with  the  United  Arab  Emirates  government
            agencies and statistical centres to provide accurate and reliable statistics on
            social,  economic,  environmental  and  other  conditions  for  decision  makers,
            policy makers, the public, the media, the business community, researchers and
            the international community.
                In order to achieve this, FCSA is developing the national statistical system
            in the country to ensure the safety of statistical methodologies and ensure
            that they conform to the best international standards and follow new methods
            and  practices  to  benefit  from  various  traditional  and  other  sources  of
                The preparation of population density maps supports the development of
            the  national  statistical  system  in  order  to  provide  accurate  statistics  for
            decision makers, policy makers as well as all domestic and international users.

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