Page 359 - Contributed Paper Session (CPS) - Volume 6
P. 359

CPS1966 Jessa L. S. C. et al.
            chosen for each method. These are 70%-30% or 4 folds for CART, 50%-50%
            for  MLR,  and  80%-20%  for  full  model  Random  Forest  and  50%-50%  for
            Random Forest with CART variables which will be explained later.
                CART  is  a  supervised  modelling  technique  that  apply  a  recursive
            partitioning  algorithm  (Loh  2011).  In  the  process,  the  data  set  is  split  into
            dichotomous  groups  such  that  the  subsequent  groupings  would  be  more
            homogenous than the parent group (Gass et al., 2014). Let t be a parent node
            which contains the data set of interest. This will be further split to child nodes
            tl and tr which are the left and right nodes respectively such that each of the
            child nodes are more homogenous than the parent node. The split is based
            on the value of an independent predictor variable. The splitting for each of the
            child nodes and their resulting child nodes will continue. This will lead to the
            terminal node where the final classification is determined. (Gass et al., 2014)
                CART  is  implemented  in  R  using  the  rpart  command  and  the  default
            impurity function of which is the Gini Index (Therneau et al., 2018).
                One  of  the  risks  encountered  in  modeling  using  CART  is  overfitting.
            Pruning is the process of cutting off branches that do not have a significant
            contribution to the predictive performance of the model (Gromping. 2009),
            One method used to prune a tree is cross-validation. This method aims to
            generate a tree that balances fit and complexity in an optimal manner. These
            are  measured  by  the  misclassification  error  cate  R(  )  and  the  complexity
            parameter  α  respectively  (Timofeev,  2004),  In  mathematical  terms,  it  is
            equivalent in choosing the optimal tree T such that Rα (T) = R(T) + α|T| is
            minimum  where  |T|=v  is  the  number  of  terminal  nodes  and  () =
            ∑   ( ) ( ) is the overall misclassification rate of the tree computed from
            the sum of misclassifications from the v terminal nodes  , (Therneau et al.,
            2018).  Computation  of  the  complexity  parameters  is  done  via  the  printcp
            command  in  R  while  cross-validation  is  done  using  the  prune  command
            (Themeau  et  al.,  2018).  Aside  from  pruning.  other  parameters  can  also  be
            manipulated such as the maximum number of observations per node,      ,
            and the application of the 1-standard error rule.
                For  MLR,  the  interpretation  for  the  relationship  is  not  straightforward.
            Instead,  the  likelihood  of  choosing  the  class  of  interest  against  a  base  is
            determined. For this study, Unit Link was defined as the base class. The odds
            ratio or the likelihood that the class of interest will be chosen over the base
            outcome is modelled as:

            where y represents the dependent variable, xi’s are the predictor  variables
            where i = 1, 2, …, 17 for the full model, q’ is the class whose probability of
            choosing is evaluated, and B’s are the regression coefficients. The function

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