Page 377 - Contributed Paper Session (CPS) - Volume 6
P. 377

CPS1989 Yuan Zhenqiang et al.
               There are different units of measurement and orders of magnitude of every
               statistical indicator in statistical index system of high-quality development.
               Thus,  every  indicator  needs  to  be  nondimensionalized  when  doing
               comprehensive measurement with index, so as to make every indicator turn
               into dimensionless value with complete comparability. Common treatment
               as  a  measure  of  the  same  factors  includes  relative  treatment,  standard
               treatment and efficacy coefficient method. Of these, standard treatment
               and  efficacy  coefficient  method  mainly  focus  on  crosswise  comparison
               evaluation, yet, this study primarily reflect lengthwise development trend,
               so we choose relative treatment method to calculate index value.
                                                   single index value in report period  1
                Single index (positive indicator) =  single index value in base period 
                                                     single index value in base period  0
                Single index (negative indicator) =  single index value in report period 
               4.2 Weight Definition
               Frequently-used  weight  definition  methods  include  Delphi  Method,
               Analytic  Hierarchy  Process,  Coefficient  of  Variation  Method,  Multi-
               correlation Coefficient Method and The Entropy Method, among which the
               first two may be affected by subjective factors, while the latter three need
               plenty of samples to define accurate data model. Five aspects of the new
               development  concept  play  the  same  significant  role  in  promoting
               economic  and  social  development,  so  they  need  to  be  weighted  in  a
               balanced  way.  Since  the  final  efficiency  of  high-quality  development  is
               reflected  by  development  achievements,  the  weight  of  development
               achievement indicator should be higher than other first-tier indicators. Six
               primary indicator weight are set up by taking consideration of these factors
               and  following  the  principles  of  focusing  on  clear  priorities  over
               development  achievements  and  balancing  five  development  sectors.
               Further,  we  will  apply  equal-weighted  assignment  method  towards
               secondary indicators under the primary indicators in order to reflect the
               same significance of several high-quality development indicators.
               4.3 Comprehensive Index Measurement
               The  principle  of  “average  index  method”  is  applied  to  define
               comprehensive  index.  The  calculating  procedures  are  as  follows:  firstly,
               calculate indexes of single indicator; then, treat these indexes (or sectorial
               indexes) in a way of weighted average. The calculation formula is:
                                                   k   w
                                             k      i   i
                                                    w i

                                                               366 | I S I   W S C   2 0 1 9
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