Page 391 - Contributed Paper Session (CPS) - Volume 6
P. 391

CPS1993 Asmae Mhmmoudi
            long  hours  in  the  labor  market  spend  less  time  on  housework  than  non-

            5.  Result: housework and childcare
                In  the  estimation  of  the  four  equations  of  this  section,  the  housing
            variables  are  excluded  from  the  childcare  equations,  while  the  dummy
            variables of number of children are excluded from the housework equations.
                Overall, the findings of the estimation of men’s housework equation are
            similar to the first section. All the variables that have previously significant
            effects on men’s time spent doing unpaid work remain significant and keep
            the same signs but the effects are mostly smaller in the case of housework’s
            time estimation. However, the results are slightly different for the estimation
            of fathers’ time spent caring for children. The marginal effects of the variable
            of  the presence of  children have become significant. This significant effect
            suggests that time spent with children is considered as investment for fathers.
            This is somewhat similar to the result of Mette Deding and Mette Lauste (2006).
            Furthermore, the reduced effect of explanatory variables on time spent by men
            in  housework  could  now  be  explained  by  more  performance  in  childcare
            activities. Moreover, fathers living cities devoted more time caring for children
            compare to those living rural areas.

            6.  Conclusion
                This paper has examined the influence of socio demographic background
            on time spent by Moroccan couples unpaid work. Beyond analyzing the time
            devoted to unpaid work, a separate estimation of unpaid work into housework
            and childcare has done also in order to see the structural differences that could
            exist between housework time allocation and childcare time allocation.
                The results of the first part of estimation show a significant effect of the
            place of residence on couple’s time allocation to unpaid work., in the sense
            that  living  in  urban  area  reduce  their  share  of  unpaid  work.  Moreover,
            husbands living in cities with high education devote more time to unpaid work.
            A similar effect is also founded when they are inactive or unemployed, which
            could be explained by the fact that the reduced market work is offset by more
            activity  in  the  household.  However,  contrary  to  mothers,  the  presence  of
            children is without effect on time devoted to unpaid work of fathers.
                One  of  the  main  results  of  the  second  part  of  estimations  is  that  the
            number  of  children  in  the  household  matters  significantly  the  time  spent
            caring of children for both mothers and fathers. Nevertheless, this effect is
            more important among women compare to men. Furthermore, women living
            in large housing or with many persons perform a higher share of housework.

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