Page 66 - Contributed Paper Session (CPS) - Volume 6
P. 66

CPS1499 Hayley Collett
                       Government departments and agencies, and
                       schools  and  hospitals  operated  by  the  state,  or  by  religious
                        organisations and charities.
                     The national accounts production boundary embraces the production of all
                  goods and services, with the exception of services produced by household
                  controlled  enterprises  solely  for  consumption  by  the  household  itself.  This
                  exclusion  relates  to  (for  example)  the  cooking  of  meals  for  household
                  members, household washing and cleaning and care of dependents. However,
                  the  "shelter  services"  provided  by  owner  occupied  dwellings  are  included
                  within the production boundary.
                     Australia’s economic territory includes all geographies under the control of
                  the  Australian  Government,  i.e.  the  Australian  mainland,  off-shore  islands,
                  Antarctic territories, Australian embassies and military establishments in other
                  countries,  and  Australia's  exclusive  maritime  economic  zone.  It  excludes
                  foreign embassies and military establishments in Australia.
                     An  enterprise  is  considered  "resident"  if  the  "economic  interest"  of  its
                  controlling institutional unit (household, corporation or quasi-corporation) is
                  centred in Australia’s economic territory.
                  Scope Adjustments
                     Adjustments for scope and conceptual differences between data sources
                  are required in compiling the Australian Labour Account. Scope adjustments
                  are made in each of the four quadrants in the Australian Labour Account to
                  ensure coherence. Scope adjustments made in one quadrant may be applied
                  to  another  quadrant,  and  flow  through  to  a  third  quadrant,  based  on  the
                  identity relationships.
                     Filled Jobs (business sources) is mainly based on summing estimates from
                  two different business surveys. Data from a third source is added to account
                  for employment in an industry division that is outside the scope of the primary
                  sources. The following scope adjustments are made:
                       add  the  number  of  persons  from  known  industries  excluded  from
                        primary business survey sources,
                       add the number of persons employed in the permanent defence forces,
                       add the number of unpaid contributing family workers,
                       add the number of child workers who do not work for an employer (as
                        they are excluded from business surveys), and
                       subtract  the  number  of  persons  from  specific  industry  subdivisions
                        duplicated in primary sources to avoid double counting.
                     Filled Jobs (household sources) is based on the number of jobs held by
                  people employed in main jobs and secondary jobs soured from the Labour
                  Force Survey (LFS), which is a household survey. Scope adjustments made to
                  Filled  Jobs  (household  sources)  are  similar  to  those  made  to  Filled  Jobs
                  (business sources), to align the employed person estimates from the LFS with

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