Page 71 - Contributed Paper Session (CPS) - Volume 6
P. 71

CPS1810 Jin-Jian Hsieh et al.

                         Quantile residual life regression based on semi-
                                       competing risks data
                                    Jin-Jian Hsieh, Jian-Lin Wang
                Department of Mathematics, National Chung Cheng University Chia-Yi, Taiwan, R.O.C.

            This  paper  investigates  the  quantile  residual  life  regression  based  on
            semicompeting  risk  data.  Because  the  terminal  event  time  dependently
            censors the non-terminal event time, the inference on the non-terminal event
            time is not available without extra assumption. Therefore, we assume that the
            non-terminal event time and the terminal event time follow an Archimedean
            copula. Then, we apply the inverse probability weight technique to construct
            an estimating equation of quantile residual life regression coefficients. But, the
            estimating equation may not be continuous in coefficients. Thus, we apply the
            generalized solution approach to overcome this problem. Since the variance
            estimation  of  the  proposed  estimator  is  difficult  to  obtain,  we  use  the
            bootstrap resampling method to estimate it. From simulations, it shows the
            performance of the proposed method is good.

            Archimedean  copula  model;  Bone  marrow  transplant  data;  Dependent
            censoring; Quantile residual life regression; Semi-competing risks data.

            1.  Introduction
                Quantile  regression  can  provide  covariate  effects  for  different  quantile,
            which  is  more  robust  than  ordinary  least  squares  regression.  Quantile
            regression was originally introduced by Koenker and Bassett (1978), and it has
            been  widely  investigated  by  many  literatures,  such  as  Powell  (1984,  1986),
             Ying,  Jung  and  Wei  (1995),  Portnoy  (2003),  Peng  and  Huang  (2008)  for
            censored  data.  Peng  and  Fine  (2009)  studied  quantile  regression  for
            competing  risks  data,  which  constructs  the  model  based  on  conditional
            quantiles with the cumulative incidence function. Hsieh et al. (2013), Hsieh and
            Hsiao (2015), and Hsieh and Wang (2017) studied quantile regression for semi-
            competing risks  data based on the inverse probability weight technique, a
            weighted approach, and the counting process approach, respectively. In many
            medical research, the residual life is of interest. The residual life of a patient
            can be prolonged by a medical treatment. The quantile residual life regression
            also has been widely investigated by many literatures, such as Gelfand and
            Kottas (2003), Jeong, Jung and Costantino (2008), Jung, Jeong and Bandos
            (2009) and Ma and Yin (2010) for censored data. Gelfand and Kottas (2003)

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