Page 73 - Contributed Paper Session (CPS) - Volume 6
P. 73

CPS1810 Jin-Jian Hsieh et al.
               Nextly,  we  introduce  the  inference  procedures  for  quantile  residual  life
            regression based on semi-competing risks data. Under model (1), it has 1 −
                                     )| ≥  ,  }. Under the semi-competing risks data,
             = { ≥  + exp( |0     0  
            it has

             [{ ≥  + exp( |0               0  |0   
                                    )} / ( )| ] = ( ≥  + exp(
                                                                             ) |  )  (2)

                             [{ ≥  } / ( )| ] = ( ≥  | ),   (3)

            where   ( ) =  ( ) ×  |, ( | ,  ) = ( >  | =  ) × ( >  | =
             ,  =  )
                                                         )} / ( )| ]
                                 [{ ≥  + exp( |0      
                          1 −  =                                ,
                                         [{ ≥  } / ( )| ]
            which is equivalent to
                    { ≥  + exp( |0              { ≥  }
                  [                         |  ] − (1 − ) [    |  ] = 0.
                              ( )                             ( )

            Hence, we can construct the following estimating equation of  |0  as:
                             {log( −  ) ≥     }   { ≥  }
              ( |0 ) = ∑  {       |0      − (1 − )     0     = 0} (4)

            where   ( ) =  ( ) ×  ̂ |, ( | ,  ).    ( )  could  be  estimated  by
            Kaplan and Meier (1958) based on the data {(, 1  −  ),   =  1, . . . ,  and  =
             } within each discrete covariate stratum, and since the non-terminal event
            time  may be dependently censored by the terminal event time D, it becomes
            more  difficult  to  make  inference  on  .  Therefore,  we  assume  that  (, )
            follows an Archimedean copula on the upper wedge as (  >  ,   >  |) =
             −1 { ( (|)) +  ( (|))},  < .  ̂ |, ( | ,  ) can  be  derived  as
             ̂ |, ( | ,  ) = ( >  | =  ,  =  =     ( ̂ | (  |  ))  ,  and  the  survival
                                                        ′  ( ̂  (  |  ))
            function  of  and  can  be  estimated  by  the  copula-graphic  estimator  by
            Lakhal, Rivest, and Abdous (2008). By the uniform convergence properties of
            the Kaplan-Meier estimator, the consistency property of ,̂ and the continuous
            mapping  theorem,  we  can  construct  the  uniform  convergence  property  of
             (). Then, by the same way in the Appendix A, B, C in Jung et al. (2009), we
            can construct the consistency property and the
            asymptotic normality property of  ̂ |0 .
                Because the equation (4) contains an indicator function of  |0 , it may not
            be continuous. An exact zero-crossing of  ( |0 ) may not exist. However,
            Peng and Fine (2009) provided a generalized solution to estimate  |0 . The
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