Page 74 - Contributed Paper Session (CPS) - Volume 6
P. 74

CPS1810 Jin-Jian Hsieh et al.
                  generalized  solution  of  ( |0 ) can  be  rewritten  as  the  minimizer  of  the
                  following function,
                                   log( −  ) −              
                   ( |0 ) = ∑  |     ( )  |0  | + | − ∑  |0    |
                                                                       ( )
                              =1                        =1     
                             + | + 2(1 − ) ∑   { ≥  }   |0     |,
                                                             ̂ (  )
                  where M is an extremely large positive value larger then ∑    | 0   / ( )
                  and ∑   2 | 0  (1 − ){ ≥  } / ( ). Because the variance of  ̂ |0  is
                  difficult to estimate, we use the bootstrap resampling method to estimate the
                  variance of  ̂ |0 . Firstly, we obtain a resampling data from the original data as
                  {( ,  ,  ,  ,  ),  = 1, … , }. Secondly, estimate the parameter  |0  based
                                                              ̂ ∗
                  on  the  bootstrapping  sample,  denoted  as  . Then,  repeat  this  process 
                                                   ̂ ∗
                  times. We obtain the estimators { ,  = 1, … , }. Therefore, we can estimate
                                                                                 ̅ ∗
                                                               ̂ ∗
                                                                     ̅ ∗
                                                                                          ̂ ∗
                  the variance of  |0 by ̂ ( ̂ |0 ) =  −1 ∑   ( −  ) , where  = ∑    /
                  . Hence, we can construct the 100(1 − )% confidence interval for  |0  as
                   |0  ± (/2), where  √( ̂   ), (/2) = Φ −1 (1 − /2)  and  Φ(·)  is
                                                     | 0
                  the cumulative distribution function of (0,1).

                  3. Result
                     In this section, we conduct simulation studies to examine the finite sample
                  performance of the proposed approach. We consider the log-linear quantile
                  residual life model as:

                               − quantile{log(  −  )| ≥  0, } =   +   ,  (5)

                  where we take the true values of   = −1.5 and   = −0.5. The covariate 
                  is generated from bernoulli distribution with mean 0.5. The terminal event time
                   is  generated  from  exponential  distribution  with  mean ,  and  the  non-
                  terminal event time  is generated from exponential distribution with mean
                  1/{−(1  −  )(−(  +  ))}  which  is  associated  with  model  (5).
                  Further, (, ) follow  the  Clayton  copula,  where  ()  = (  −  −  1)/
                  and  (, ) = (  −  +   − −  1) −1/ . The right censoring time  follows
                  a  uniform  distribution  on [0, ]. We  set  Kendall’s   =  0.3, 0.5, 0.7, quantile
                    =  0.5,  sample  size    =  200  and    =  0, 0.07, 0.17, 0.35  which  is  the
                  0, 25%, 50%  and  75%  quantile  of  .  We  consider  the  settings  (, , ) =
                   (0.5,0.57,3).  For  each  case,  we  replicate  400  simulation  runs  with  100
                  bootstrapping times.
                     We compare our proposed method with the method by Jung et al. (2009),
                  which didn’t consider the association between  and . We present the bias
                  of the proposed estimator (Bias), the empirical standard deviation (EmpSd),
                  the average of estimated standard deviation (AveSd) based on the bootstrap
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