Page 158 - Invited Paper Session (IPS) - Volume 1
P. 158

IPS124 Misha B. et al.
                  working together must be explored and agreements be reached rather sooner
                  than later.
                      NGOs look like a weak point in this chain. NGOs have a high potential
                  because in many countries their membership is very diverse. Their members
                  are statisticians and data scientists working in statistical agencies, academia,
                  private sector. In many countries, statistical societies are providing technical
                  assistance and long- and short-term training. However, most of NGOs do not
                  provide statistical training and do not conduct research themselves but work
                  as a platform for communication for statisticians serving in both official and
                  independent  statistics  and  such  communication  is  an  important  part  of
                  statistical  system.  This  activity  helps  to  keep  dialogue  open  between  the
                  national statistical agencies, academia, universities and users of statistical data.
                  Thus, NGOs should participate more actively in statistical capacity building
                      ISI is a flagship body of statistical community in the world. Other NGOs
                  closely monitor its activity and try to use its experience at the national level.
                  ISI should create the effective model for participation in statistical capacity
                  building to provide example for the national NGOs.

                  4.  Discussion and Conclusion
                      Some examples of possible interventions and organization of the technical
                  assistance process within ISI should be considered.
                      International Statistical Institute is in a unique position to help countries
                  to  improve  statistical  systems  due  to  its  diverse  membership.  No  other
                  organization  in  the  world  has  academics,  experts  in  official  statistics,
                  mathematical  statisticians,  data  scientists,  economists  and  other  specialists
                  who together can help countries to improve their statistical systems to enable
                  them to deliver on the SDG measurement. Through the Statistical Capacity
                  Building Committee (SCB) the ISI is planning to support statistics in several

                  The partial list follows:
                      •  Provide technical assistance in official statistics by creating a cadre of
                         high-level  statisticians  in  different  areas  of  statistics  interested  to
                         donate some of their time to deliver TA in the field.
                      •  Organize  workshops,  seminars  on  important  topics  for  official
                         statisticians, such as management, data revolution, measurement of
                         SDGs, etc.
                      •  Support  training  institutions  in  developing  countries  by  providing
                         curricula,  liaising  with  professors  and  creating  possibilities  for
                         professors  from  abroad  to  work  with  colleagues  in  developing
                         countries to deliver lectures, master classes, etc.

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