Page 162 - Invited Paper Session (IPS) - Volume 1
P. 162

IPS124 Hristina A.
                  the capacity within statistical systems. Capacity development has received
                  additional recognition, particularly through the adaptation of the Agenda
                  2030 and its holistic approach to development .
                      A “whole system approach“ is offered by the Capacity Development 4.0
                  (CD4.0) framework, in which statistical capacity is defined as “the ability of a
                  country’s national statistical system, its organisations and individuals to
                  collect, produce, analyse and disseminate high quality and reliable statistics
                  and data to meet users’ needs” (PARIS21, 2018).
                      The  CD4.0  framework  presented  by  PARIS21  identifies  three  levels  of
                  intervention, as presented in Figure 1:

                                     Figure 1: Different levels of intervention

                  Source: Adopted from PARIS21, 2019

                      The  figure  describes  the  different  levels  of  intervention  that  can  be
                  addressed in order to develop capacity. It is important to remember that all
                  different levels are interconnected and interdependent.
                      The individual level can be tackled through targeted training in order to
                  improve attitude, knowledge and skills of staff members.
                      The  organisational  level  is  determined  by  the  code  of  practices,
                  resources,  management  skills,  business  and  quality  processes.  These
                  variables can be assessed through in-depth analysis of business processes
                  and improved by targeted technical support. Formulating strategic aims and
                  visions across the entire organisation becomes a prerequisite for successful
                      Finally,  the  system  level  is  characterised  by  the  national  regulatory
                  environment, user demand and statistical laws.
                      When  it  comes  to  capacity  development,  strategic  and  long-term
                  thinking needs to be applied to the design of both the overall approach and
                  the specific selection of methods. This is why we are supporting approaches
                  such as PARIS 21 with its focus on sustainable growth.
                      A common approach to capacity development should not only address
                  the question of “How” capacity is developed, but efforts should also be made

                  2  See for instance: GIZ Capacity WORKS (2017); The World Bank The Capacity Development
                  Results Framework (2009); World Vision Organisational Capacity Development Manuals (2008)
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