Page 164 - Invited Paper Session (IPS) - Volume 1
P. 164

IPS124 Hristina A.
                               Table 1: “Whole system approach” for LAOSTAT
                   Target/Level  Individual       Organisation         System

                              Recruitment engagement  IT system → ICT Plan,   Review of the Law and of
                              → process/employee   technical specifications and  the strategy for
                   Resources   HR strategy        support to procurement   development of NSS
                                                  process              (SDNSS)→recommendations
                              Training plan/Capacity   LOSQAF + QMS    Promotion of stats as
                              building            Generic tools and methods   management tool  of public
                   Skills and   plan              Description of processes →   affairs → stats literacy
                   knowledge   Capacity building activities  Environmental statistics   Technical assistance with
                                                  conceptual roadmap   other ministries

                              Behavioural          Set of strategies and master  Support to the
                              framework/           plans Support to    implementation of the Law
                              performance          fundraising strategy   and SDNSS →
                              management/          ICP → change        Implementation plan for the
                   Management  Middle management   management/Middle   development of the NSS
                              training/ Leadership   management        Support  to SDGs data
                              training/ Project    training/Leadership   coordination role
                              anagement training   training/ Project
                              → HR strategy        management training
                   Politics and  Behavioural framework    Transparency Dissemination  User satisfaction survey
                   power      → HR strategy       strategy, metadata strategy,   Support to stakeholders
                                                  website, LOSQAF      meeting WG
                              Talent management/   ICP → vision, core values   Promotion of stats as
                              Non-financial incentives   HR strategy →   anagement tool of public
                              (training and education   recommendation on   affairs → Seminar for policy
                   Incentives   opportunities,    compensation and benefits  makers
                              study visits, etc.) → HR   Dissemination strategy →   Support to the promotion of
                              strategy            reputation and trust   the law

                  3.  Result
                      The  private-public  partnership  model  proves  to  be  a  good  solution  to
                  support  the  global  statistical  system  in  meeting  the  challenges  of  Agenda
                  2030.  Technical  assistance  can  successfully  be  supported  through  PPPs  to
                  achieve  sustainable  results.  The  Laos  experience  has  provided  us  with  the
                  following findings on how support for capacity development can or should be
                      •  Let  the  NSO  take  the  ownership  of  their  capacity  development
                      •  Focus on the needs and priorities of the organisation as a whole.
                      •  Engage  stakeholders  in  the  capacity  development  and  change
                         management processes.
                      •  Cultivate adequate political support and preserve autonomy.
                      •  Establish  an  environment  that  is  conducive  to  learning  and  change
                         from the outset.

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