Page 166 - Invited Paper Session (IPS) - Volume 1
P. 166

IPS124 Hristina A.
                      The  paper  has  shown  that  PPPs  can  play  an  important  role  in  the
                  successful  implementation  of  these  changes,  since  they  provide  the
                  stakeholders with an extended access to expertise, tools and measures. This
                  holds especially true for activities that are related to enhancing the capacity
                  of the NSSs, as shown in the example of the Laos case study.
                      CD projects should be based on the needs of specific NSSs. The models
                  presented show that CD projects can become quite complex, as their work
                  often  has  to  cut  across  institutional  units  and/or  institutions.  Moreover,
                  sustainability and efficiency often require that reforms are implemented on a
                  large scale (over long periods of time).
                      For this reason, capacity building measures should ideally be engineered
                  in  two  ways:  covering  the  programming  of  the  interventions,  but  also
                  establishing successful models for implementation. Development partners,
                  beneficiaries,  and  those  implementing  projects  need  faster  and  more
                  transparent processes. However, the aspects that affect how knowledge and
                  resources are used in practice are rarely addressed. A new and effective way
                  of  delivering  capacity  development  “must  explicitly  acknowledge  the  real
                  political economy challenges on the ground and aim to work within these
                  constraints to improving data, and/or aim to alter the current incentives for
                  producing and using good official statistics.” (s. Krätke and Byiers, 2014: 1).
                  The objectives of this approach go beyond the traditional production-side
                  interventions  and also  include  the  strengthening  of  data  use,  literacy  and
                      The paper at hand presents a theoretical approach to how CD can be
                  promoted to prepare NSSs for the challenges that result from international
                  agendas,  such  as  the  SDGs.  Furthermore,  using  the  example  of  the  Laos
                  project, a practical example of how this theoretical framework can be put into
                  practice  was  given.  From  our  perspective,  the  discussion  on  effective  and
                  efficient  capacity  development  need  to  be  enhanced  at  national  and
                  international level; with a preferred focus on the whole systems approach.

                  1.  Gesellschaft für International Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) (2017): Cooperation
                      Management for Practitioners. Managing Social Change with Capacity
                  2.  Krätke, F., & Byiers, B. (2014). Implications for the data revolution in
                      Sub-Saharan Africa. Link:
                  3.  OECD (2019): Recommendation of the OECD Council on Good
                      Statistical Practice. Link:

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