Page 275 - Invited Paper Session (IPS) - Volume 1
P. 275

IPS152 Giovanna B. et al.

                This  example  highlights  the  challenges  that  SPE  structures  pose  to
            compilers  of  international  accounts  for  identifying  the  residency  of  the
            controller. For this specific investment-fund linked structure, the sponsor (i.e.
            the foreign fund manager) is the entity that exerts control. However, should
            we  consider  the  Irish  investment  fund  as  the  owner,  the  SPE  would  be
            classified as domestically controlled and thus consolidated into the fund. As
            in  the  previous  case,  the  analysis  of  the  data  for  the  entire  sub-set  of
            investment fund linked SPEs shows no clear difference in the balance sheet
            composition  of  foreign  and  domestically  owned  entities,  suggesting  that
            capturing this feature may limit the scope of the definition.
                In Q4 2018, 233 SPVs (€83.5 billion) representing more than 34 percent of
            the total asset value, were classified as investment fund linked . Only 32 SPEs
            were set up by Irish entities (€6.8 billion). Sponsors tend to be UK and US fund
            managers. 103 SPEs (€39 billion) reported as being consolidated into a group
            and provided information on the ultimate parent. In contrast to the previous
            case, the ultimate parent and the sponsor are very likely to be two different
            entities. Foreign fund managers are the sponsors, while Irish investment funds
            are the ultimate parent. Looking at their portfolio composition, we find that
            on average 66 percent of their assets and 32 percent of their liabilities are
            foreign. Figure 5 shows the distribution. In this business model, foreign and
            domestic sponsored SPVs behave similarly. Most of them have a very small
            portion  of  foreign  liabilities,  and  a  mix  of  domestic  and  foreign  assets

            4   In  the  Central  Bank  survey,  Investment  fund  linked  are  defined  as  Vehicles  linked  to
            investment funds, which hold debt, equity, loans, or other financial assets with the goal of
            capital appreciation or dividend income.
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