Page 271 - Invited Paper Session (IPS) - Volume 1
P. 271

IPS152 Giovanna B. et al.
             Figure 1a and 1b: Non-securitisation SPEs by sponsor and by activity
             (total assets)

                Focusing on domestic links, Irish sponsors (€44 billion) are mostly multi-
            national Non Financial Corporations (NFCs), including some companies that
            re-domiciled their headquarters to Ireland and are engaged in intra-group
            financing,  external  financing  and  operational  leasing  activities.  Fund-linked
            investments  linked  to  Irish-resident  investment  funds  are  also  significant
            though  these  are  largely  sponsored  by  foreign  fund  managers.  Most  Irish
            sponsored SPEs are consolidated into the accounts of Irish entities (€36 billion)
            though consolidation into the accounts foreign entities also occurs (€2 billion).
            Within the non-securitisation SPE population as a whole, over half of total
            assets are consolidated into the accounts of other entities.
                Based on this data, and in liaison with regulatory colleagues, Golden and
            Hughes (2018) developed the concept of SPEs (securitisation and other) as
                “a  legal  entity,  with  little  or  no  physical  presence  and  narrow,  specific,
                and/or  ring-fenced,  objectives,  such  as  the  segregation  of  risks,  assets
                and/or liabilities, or as a cash conduit. The directors of an SPE typically
                have limited or no discretionary powers; rather activities are strictly defined
                by the terms of the SPE contract or arrangement. An SPE is often, though
                not exclusively, a satellite company of another financial entity and forms
                an  ancillary  part  of  the  associate  entity’s  business  by  warehousing
                particular assets or risks.”

                These SPE contracts are drawn up in accordance with the wishes of the
            SPE sponsor. The activities of the SPE are conducted in accordance with the
            specific terms of the contract. The SPE directors cannot act outside the terms
            of the contracts. This could be seen as a measure of control by the sponsor.
            Risks are distributed between SPE counterparties according to the provisions
            of each contract.

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