Page 270 - Invited Paper Session (IPS) - Volume 1
P. 270

IPS152 Giovanna B. et al.
                  the name, country and economic sector of the sponsor (the entity on whose
                  behalf  an  SPE  was  established),  the  originator  (the  entity  or  entities  that
                  originally issued the SPE loans/assets) and the ultimate parent if the SPE is
                  consolidated on an accounting basis. Noted interest, bankruptcy remoteness
                  and orphan structure characteristics are also reported.
                      Total assets in the SPE sector amounted to €727 billion in Q4 2018. Within
                  this, securitisation SPEs account for €447 billion in assets within 1,132 SPEs and
                  non-securitisation SPEs, €281 billion of assets within 1,181 SPEs. Over half of
                  all non-securitisation SPEs are consolidated into other entities compared to
                  around  one  quarter  of  securitisation  SPEs.  Within  both  categories,  most
                  consolidation  takes  place  into  foreign  entities  while  most  SPEs  are  also
                  sponsored  by  foreign  entities.  However,  there  is  not  complete  alignment
                  between both concepts, i.e. SPEs can be consolidated into a domestic entity
                  but sponsored by a foreign entity and, less commonly, vice-versa. We also find
                  that  our  SPE  population  reports  fees  and  commissions  payable  for
                  professional services but observe no evidence of employees and this view is
                  supported by our market intelligence activities.
                      The non-securitisation SPE population is diverse in terms of both country
                  and sector links and types of activity. These SPEs are often part of complex,
                  cross-border  corporate  structures,  often  facilitating  intermediation  activity
                  elsewhere in the chain. Looking at sponsors of SPEs (Figure 1a), these straddle
                  the financial and non-financial sectors and a number of regions with domestic
                  sponsors comprising 14 per cent of the total, by asset. In fact, disaggregating
                  the other category provides almost 60 combinations of country and sector.
                  Looking at activities (Figure 1b), non-securitisation SPEs span 14 pre-defined
                  types of activity and a small residual category. Nevertheless, four categories
                  comprise  over  80  per  cent  of  the  sector  in  terms  of  total  assets,  namely
                  investment  fund  linked,  external  financing,  intergroup  financing,  and
                  operational  leasing.  The  two  largest  categories  are  presented  below  as
                  business  models  to  draw  out  some  BoP  relevant  issues.  For  a  full  list  of
                  activities in our population, see Golden and Hughes (2018).

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