Page 292 - Invited Paper Session (IPS) - Volume 1
P. 292

IPS153 Jay L. et al.
                  far greater use of administrative data to produce these national estimates of
                  international  migration  in  future,  so  we  have  carried  out  new  research  to
                  explore how we can develop a flows-based approach based on wider data
                     Our published research report outlined the challenges in measuring and
                  understanding  how  the  population  is  changing  over  time,  particularly  for
                  immigration and emigration (flows, both nationally and locally).
                     We are confident that births and deaths are well recorded in administrative
                  sources. For long-term immigrants and emigrants, this is more challenging as
                  no  single  data  source  captures  the  patterns  of  movement  for  all  types  of
                  migrants. Like the data-driven rules described in the stocks-based approach,
                  we are developing a similar inclusion approach for long-term immigrants - we
                  are calling this confidence-based rules.
                     Our aim is to bring together the multiple sources to build a comprehensive
                  and granular evidence base for migration to (and eventually from) the UK.

                  Bringing it together: our proposed hybrid model
                     Focusing on these approaches separately offers us the opportunity to
                  produce the best-possible estimates for stocks and flows in future, using the
                  best data and methods available to us. However, to produce a coherent set
                  of statistics for our users requires us to develop an approach that brings the
                  two methods together.
                     Figure 2 sets out our hybrid model for delivering a transformed
                  population and migration statistics system. We call this a hybrid model to
                  reflect that we are aiming for an approach that produces the best possible
                  stocks and flows of the population.

                  Figure 2: Our proposed hybrid model

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