Page 297 - Invited Paper Session (IPS) - Volume 1
P. 297

IPS153 John D.

                         Estimation of gross population flows when SPDs
                                          are incomplete
                                            John Dunne
                                     Central Statistics Office, Ireland

            Gross population flows are made up of population inflows and population
            out¬flows in the population stocks between two time points or over a period
            of  time.  Population  inflows  comprise  of  immigration  and  births  while
            population  outflows  comprise  of  emigration  and  deaths.  A  Statistical
            Population Dataset (SPD) is a dataset that typically contains one record for
            each member in the population. The compilation of an SPD is typically the first
            step in the compilation of population estimates from microdata. If a traditional
            Census based population estimate, the final census dataset can be considered
            an SPD. With a register-based population estimate, the SPD is based on the
            population register. SPDs can also be compiled directly from administrative
            data  as  in  the  Irish  PECADO  (Population  Estimates  Compiled  from
            Administrative Data  Only)  project. When SPDs are complete and assuming
            perfect linkage, gross population flows can simply be derived by compar¬ing
            the  SPDs  between  two  consecutive  timepoints  or  periods.  Population
            estimates  are  simply  obtained  by  taking  counts  from  the  SPD.  If  the  SPD
            contains  only  undercount  and  not  overcount  then  the  SPD  (list  A)  can  be
            adjusted using a second list (list B) in a Dual System Estimation (DSE) setup to
            obtain  population  estimates.  The  PECADO  project  proposes  a  system  of
            population estimates where both lists are compiled from administrative data
            sources. Reliable population estimates will provide for reliable estimates of net
            population flows but not gross population flows. We review the system of
            population estimates in the PECADO project before proposing an extension
            of DSE methods for the estimation of gross population flows that relies on the
            same  lists  used  to  compile  population  estimates.  While  not  perfect,  the
            proposed method has the property that as the coverage of the SPDs becomes
            complete the bias and variance of the gross population flow estimates goes
            to zero. We also consider alternative options and argue against them in favour
            of the proposed method. Finally, we present estimates of gross population
            flows using the proposed method and compare them to the official estimates.
            The practical application in the PECADO project focuses on two consecutive
            periods (calendar years) rather than timepoints.

            administrative data; DSE; migration; undercoverage; SPD; PECADO

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