Page 317 - Invited Paper Session (IPS) - Volume 1
P. 317

IPS155 Emily W. et al.
            was considered very useful by INEXDA members (see Bender, Hausstein and
            Hirsch  (2018)  for  a  more  detailed  description  of  the  INEXDA  metadata
                At the third INEXDA meeting on 11 January 2018 at the Banque de France,
            the INEXDA network welcomed the Banco de España and ECB as new INEXDA
            members,  increasing  the  number  of  INEXDA  members  from  five  to  seven.
            Furthermore, the Banco Central de Chile, Banco de México, Oesterreichische
            Nationalbank, Central Bank of the Republic of Turkey and – for the first time, a
            national  statistical  institute  –  Office  for  National  Statistics  UK  attended  the
            meeting as guests. One notable outcome of the meeting was the consideration
            of establishing working groups on different topics within the framework of
            INEXDA (see section 4).
                The fourth INEXDA meeting was held on 27 August 2018 at the BIS in Basel,
            where  Banco  Central  de  Chile  and  Central  Bank  of  the  Republic  of  Turkey
            participated as new members. Alongside the guests in attendance at the third
            meeting, the Bank of Russia, Federal Statistical Office of Germany, Eurostat,
            and the Swiss National Bank were attending the meeting as first-time guests.

            3.  INEXDA’s objective
                INEXDA  was  established  with  the  overall  aim  of  facilitating  the
            international use of granular data for analytical, research and policy purposes
            within the limits set by the applicable confidentiality regimes.  This overall aim
            can be further broken down into the following two, more specific objectives.
                First,  INEXDA  will  provide  a  basis  for  exchanging  experiences  on  the
            statistical  handling  of  granular  data  that  are  accessible  to  external  users.
            Examples of “statistical handling” include the processes, methods, and tools
            for  data  and  metadata  access,  techniques  for  the  statistical  analysis  of
            granular  data,  procedures  for  data  confidentiality  and  data  security,  and
            procedures for output control. Second, INEXDA will provide a framework for
            investigating  possibilities  to  harmonise  access  procedures  and  metadata
            structures, to develop comparable structures for existing data, and to further
            foster the efficiency of statistical work with granular data.
                The higher level of data disaggregation in the case of granular data is also
            associated with an increased need for data protection. European and national
            legal  provisions  regulate  both  the  user  group  and  the  access  channels  to
            microdata  and  oblige  data  providers  and  data  recipients  to  maintain  data
            confidentiality at all times. Therefore, the overriding principle of the work of
            INEXDA is compliant with the respective statutory secrecy and data protection

            5  INEXDA’s objectives are outlined in the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU), which must
            be signed by each member and is available on the websites of each member institution.

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