Page 374 - Invited Paper Session (IPS) - Volume 1
P. 374

IPS169 Markku L.
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                  18.  Galluccio, C. 2018. Trust in the Market: Institutions versus Social Capital.
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                  25.  Jasanoff, S. & Simmet, H. R. 2017. No funeral bells: Public reason in a
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                  26.  Kalkbrenner, B.J. & Roosen, J. 2016. Citizens’ willingness to participate in
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                  27.  Karmis, D. & Rocher, F. 2018. Trust, Distrust, and Mistrust in
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                  28.  Kestilä-Kekkonen, E. & Söderlund, P. 2016. Political Trust, Individual-level
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