Page 373 - Invited Paper Session (IPS) - Volume 1
P. 373

IPS169 Markku L.
            4.  Allard, O., Carey, M. and Renault, R. 2016. De l’art de se méfier [The art of
                 mistrust]. Tracés 31(2), 7-20.
            5.  Amnå, E., Czarniawska, B., & Marcusson, L. 2013. Tillitens gränser:
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            6.  Bäck, M. and Christensen H. S. (2016). When trust matters – a multilevel
                 analysis of the effect of generalized trust on political participation in 25
                 European democracies. Journal of Civil Society 12(2), 178-197.
            7.  Balme, R., Marie, J.-L. & Rozenberg, O. 2003. Les motifs de la confiance
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                 formes du raisonnement politique. Revue internationale de politique
                 comparée 2003/3 Vol. 10 | pages 433 à 461.
            8.  Barré, R. 2019. Les indicateurs sont morts, vive les indicateurs! Towards a
                 political economy of S&T indicators: A critical overview of the past 35
                 years. Research Evaluation, 28(1), 2–6.
            9.  Bascand, G. 2009. The role and challenges for official statisticians in
                 fostering progress. The 3rd OECD World Forum on “Statistics,
                 Knowledge and Policy”: Charting Progress, Building Visions, Improving
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            10.  Bhuta, N., Malito, D.V. & Umbach, G. 2018. Introduction: Of Numbers
                 and Narratives—Indicators in Global Governance and the Rise of a
                 Reflexive Indicator Culture. In Bhuta et al. (eds.), The Palgrave Handbook
                 of Indicators in Global Governance. Pp. 1-29.
            11.  Dasgupta, P. 1988. Trust as a Commodity. In Gambetta, D. (ed.), Trust:
                 Making and Breaking Cooperative Relations. Basil Blackwell: Oxford, UK
                 & Cambridge, MA. Pp. 49-72.
            12.  Davies, W. 2017. How statistics lost their power – and why we should
                 fear what comes next. The Guardian, 19 January.
            13.  Davies, W. 2018. Why we stopped trusting elites. The Guardian, 29
            14.  Desrosières, A. 2015. Retroaction - how indicators feed back onto
                 quantified actors. In: Rottenburg, R., Merry, S. E., Park, S.-J. & Mugler, J.
                 (eds.) The World of Indicators: The Making of Governmental Knowledge
                 through Quantification. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
            15.  Earle, T.E., & Siegrist, M. 2006. Morality information, performance
                 information, and the distinction between trust and confidence. Journal
                 of Applied Social Psychology 36(2), 383-416.
            16.  Espluga, J., Prades, A., Gamero, N. & Solà, R. 2009. El papel de la
                 “confianza” en los conflictos socioambientales (The Role of “Trust” in
                 Socio-Environmental Conflicts). Política y Sociedad 46(1-2): 255-273.

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