Page 427 - Invited Paper Session (IPS) - Volume 1
P. 427

IPS175 Pietro Gennari et al.

                             Validation of methods and data for SDG
                            Pietro Gennari , Dorian Kalamvrezos Navarro
                       The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

            The Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) indicator framework represents a
            major challenge and a unique opportunity for the advancement of the global
            statistical  system,  in  terms  of  both  methodological  development  and
            governance. Over the last three years, the Inter-Agency and Expert Group on
            SDG indicators (IAEG-SDG) has gradually developed a number of documents
            providing criteria and guidelines for regulating the data flows from countries
            to  custodian  agencies  to  inform  the  global  SDG  reporting  process.  The
            validation of methods and data for SDG indicators, while being apparently two
            separate  procedures,  have  been  closely  interlinked  in  the  SDG  process.
            National  Statistics  Offices  (NSOs)  when  validating  country  data  are  also
            certifying  the  specific  methodology  used  by  the  custodian  agency  for  the
            compilation  of  the  indicator,  in  particular,  the  data  source  used  and  the
            adjustments made to harmonize national definitions and classifications. This
            article highlights some of the main challenges in the practical implementation
            of the guidelines, identifies areas in need of further guidance from the IAEG-
            SDG  and  provides  some  proposals  aimed  at  improving  the  global  SDG
            reporting process.

            Guidelines  on  data  flows;  Global  statistics  governance;  International
            Standards; Non-official data sources; Independence of Official Statistics

            1.  Introduction
                The  SDG  indicator  framework,  initially  adopted  by  the  UN  Statistical
            Commission in 2016 and subsequently endorsed by UN General Assembly in
            July  2017,  represents  a  major  challenge  and,  at  the  same  time,  a  unique
            opportunity for the advancement of the global statistical system, in terms of
            both methodological development and governance. Many indicators included
            in the framework were completely new and did not have an internationally
            agreed methodology for their compilation (the so called “Tier III indicators”).

            1  Pietro Gennari is Chief Statistician at FAO.
            2  Dorian Kalamvrezos Navarro is Programme Advisor at FAO’s Office of the Chief Statistician.
            3  The views expressed in this article are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views or
            policies of FAO 4 UNGA resolution 71/313, Op. Cit.
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