Page 422 - Invited Paper Session (IPS) - Volume 1
P. 422

IPS173 Alexandre Fortier-Labonté et al.
                   Chart 2
                   Share of asset holdings by enterprise type — Non-financial
                   industries, 2016

                      Chart 3 shows the distribution of assets across financial industries. MNEs
                  held  more  assets  in  depository  credit  intermediation  than  domestic
                  enterprises. Generally, large banks have operations abroad while local credit
                  unions do not. In general, the financial industries were dominated by MNEs,
                  which held 72.1% of total assets (Table 1). The only financial industry with more
                  assets owned by domestic enterprises than MNEs was Securities, Commodity
                  Contracts  and  Other  Financial  Investment  and  Related  Activities,  where
                  domestic enterprises owned 57% of total assets.

                  Chart 3
                  Share of asset holdings by enterprise type — Financial industries, 2016

                      There  was  also  a  large  discrepancy  between  the  size  of  MNEs  and
                  domestic  enterprises  in  capital  intensive  industries  such  as  extraction  and
                  utilities. In the extraction industry, the median value of assets held by MNEs
                  was $14.4 million, versus $0.16 million for domestic enterprises. In the utilities
                  industry, the median value of assets held by MNEs was $17.34 million, versus
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