Page 425 - Invited Paper Session (IPS) - Volume 1
P. 425

IPS173 Alexandre Fortier-Labonté et al.
            Chart 6
            Countries where FMOCAs have the most parents, 2016

                 MOFAs reported that most of their subsidiaries (49.9%) were located in
            the United States. The number of subsidiaries located in the United States was
            nearly  seven  times  higher  than  the  number  of  subsidiaries  located  in  the
            United Kingdom, which had the second highest number of subsidiaries (Chart

            Chart 7
            Countries where MOFAs have the most subsidiaries, 2016

                 On  average,  MOFAs  directly  controlled  subsidiaries  in  only  one  other
            country. However, about 10% of MOFAs controlled subsidiaries in more than
            four countries in 2016 (Chart 8).

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