Page 423 - Invited Paper Session (IPS) - Volume 1
P. 423

IPS173 Alexandre Fortier-Labonté et al.
            $0.29 million for domestic enterprises. Earlier work (Baldwin and Gellatly) also
            showed that MNEs were more likely to operate in large-firm industries with
            significant economies of scale and capital intensity.

             Table 1
             Enterprise size in 2016, by type, for selected industries
             Industry              MNEs’ share  Type                    Assets
                                      of assets                         (median)
                                       percent                               $ million
                                                 MNEs                            3.80
             Construction                  18.6
                                                 Domestic enterprises            0.13
                                                 MNEs                            6.90
             Distributive trade            60.8
                                                 Domestic enterprises            0.22
                                                 MNEs                            14.4
             Extraction                    85.2
                                                 Domestic enterprises            0.16
                                                 MNEs                            3.41
             Finance                       72.8
                                                 Domestic enterprises            0.57
                                                 MNEs                           19.52
             Manufacturing                 86.5
                                                 Domestic enterprises            0.24
                                                 MNEs                            3.27
             Real estate                   33.0
                                                 Domestic enterprises            0.54
             Transportation and            62.3   MNEs                           6.43
             warehousing                         Domestic enterprises            0.05
                                                 MNEs                           17.34
             Utilities                     53.2
                                                 Domestic enterprises            0.29
            Sources: Statistics Canada, author’s calculations based on data from the Annual Financial and
            Taxation Statistics (AFTS).

                 MNEs had higher operating revenues for the industries where they owned
            more assets. Chart 4 displays the proportion of operating revenue generated
            by MNEs in selected industries. MNEs in the  extraction and manufacturing
            industries had the highest share of operating revenue of all industries (80.8%
            and 75.4%, respectively). MNEs in construction and real estate had the lowest
            share of operating revenue (17.3% and 27.8%, respectively).

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