Page 435 - Invited Paper Session (IPS) - Volume 1
P. 435

IPS175 Pietro Gennari et al.
            of having different data for the same indicators available in countries and in
            databases of international organizations.

            4.  Proposal for a global data validation process
                To address this situation, the authors has developed a simple yet effective
            proposal for a standardized, coordinated approach for data validation among
            custodian agencies.  The  proposal  is  based  on  two  distinct  components:  a)
            privileged  access  to  the  Global  SDG  Database  that  acts  as  a  repository  of
            national estimates awaiting country validation; and b) a web survey for each
            custodian agency with which countries can provide their feedback in case of
            disagreement  with  the  methods/estimates,  as  well  as  information  on  the
            availability of alternative national data and related data sources. This proposal
            would improve the data validation process in a number of aspects.
                Firstly, it would provide a single location where countries could review and
            validate the country values of all SDG indicators within a set timeframe. Such
            a  repository  would  eliminate  the  need  for  different  custodian  agencies  to
            come  up  with  their  own  method  of  data  sharing,  and  would  constitute  a
            common  interface  that  all  countries  would  quickly  become  familiar  with.
            Countries would be informed that new data are uploaded and would be given
            login credentials and a password for a privileged access to the unpublished
            SDG  data.  They  would  then  be  allowed  30-40  days  for  their  review.  The
            schedule of this validation could be synchronized with the February deadline
            for  the  transmission  of  new  data  for  the  global  SDG  database:  custodian
            agencies would thus need to upload their country estimates by an agreed
            date, so as to provide countries with a reasonable timeframe for reviewing the
            data  and  if  needed,  interact  with  the  custodian  agency.  The  validated
            estimates could then simply be automatically relocated to the public section
            of the global database and thus formally released.
                Secondly, it would provide a standardized on-line survey tool to facilitate
            direct communication between countries and custodian agencies. This second
            component,  which  incorporates  elements  of  a  similar  UNICEF  proposal
            submitted to the 9th IAEG-SDG, would allow countries to provide feedback
            only if and when disagreements on the country values/methods emerges. It
            would also allow starting a negotiation process whose outcomes would be
            recorded for future reference.
                Such an approach would be in line with the UN Statistical Commission’s
            reiterated call for better coordination, a strengthened Secretariat role, and a
            more  efficient  UN  Statistical  System  overall.  The  proposal  will  be  formally
            submitted to the CCSA and IAEG-SDG at their next sessions.

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